unoffical report topic thread/report post link request

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iamdigitalman's picture
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unoffical report topic thread/report post link request

item one:

we NEED a little link generated under every post automatically by the server. when you click the link, you can fill out a report on why the post is inappropriate, like spam/advertising/excessive use of CAPS, etc. this, in turn is PMed to one of the admins, they read the report, and then take the appropriate course of action, such as locking the topic, banning the member, or both. this works wonders in other formums I regular.

item two:

in the mean time, if we see any topics (and I guess posts), that invade our rules, we should just post a link to it, and then either Mr. Owad or Mr. Dup or whoever can take care of it.

let me get us started:

reason: just a randome string of garbage pollutingthe place.

item 3: regular database cleanups

the 3rd and final item is that every six months or so, one of the moderators goes though, and deletes the locked topics. this not only saves space on the server, but it also makes the place look more polished (sp).

what do you think?

-digital Wink

ex-parrot's picture
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The thread in question has be

The thread in question has been taken care of. They crop up fairly often and are usually dealt with almost immediately. If you have any contest with a thread at the moment, your best option is to just PM a moderator about it...

What we _could_ do with around here is a list of the moderators and admins! Note that there probably is one and I just haven't seen it.

Note to another moderator: My bannination access rights seem to have been revoked yet again, so could someone else ban "hzdshow" for me?

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: The thread in question has be

What we _could_ do with around here is a list of the moderators and admins! Note that there probably is one and I just haven't seen it.

We have one. If you click on the "Forums" link in the top bar, it lists who's the moderator for that particular forum. If you run across an inappropriate thread/post, PM either the moderator of that forum or an admin. The admins are:

Tom Owad
Dr. Bob
and myself

item 3: regular database cleanups

the 3rd and final item is that every six months or so, one of the moderators goes though, and deletes the locked topics. this not only saves space on the server, but it also makes the place look more polished (sp).

The problem with that is twofold. First, when we delete theads, they're not deleted on the disk -- they're merely unpublished. Additionally, we see relatively few locked/deleted threads, so deleting them would hardly affect the size of the database anyway. Second, I don't think any of the admins/mods has the time to comb through all of the posts over the past 6 months to delete the locked ones one by one.

eeun's picture
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Re: The thread in question has be

What we _could_ do with around here is a list of the moderators and admins! Note that there probably is one and I just haven't seen it.

There is one. Smile If you click on "Contact" at the top right of the screen, it lists all the admins and moderators.

When a spam post, etc. is found, there's also the option of checking the "Who's Online" list to see if there are any admins/mods currently online.

BDub's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Re: The thread in question has be

Note to another moderator: My bannination access rights seem to have been revoked yet again, so could someone else ban "hzdshow" for me?


IIRC, we took bannination rights from mods because they could use their permission to change user rights to elevate themselves to admins if they wanted to. Big 'ol Drupal flaw that I don't have time to fix right now.

To respond to the idea that we should run through and delete threads, I agree with Doc Webster. The threads don't actually get removed from the database. We actually had to change how the delete button works, just so that when we're looking at stuff a user has done and trying to determine if they deserve a banning we can go back and look at the 'deleted' material.

The 'report thread' button is probably a decent idea. I'm all booked up this week, so it's not going to appear anything really soon.

BDub's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 703
Re: The thread in question has be

Second, I don't think any of the admins/mods has the time to comb through all of the posts over the past 6 months to delete the locked ones one by one.

In reality, it'd take me 30 seconds at the SQL prompt to do this. Deleting them all through Drupal would be a really odd way to go about it.

It might be worth thinking about implementing a user option to 'show locked threads' or something. Given time constraints, I don't see this happening anytime in the next month.

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