possibility of booting from jaz?

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coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 1975
possibility of booting from jaz?

ok, here's the setup. I got an AIO G3, with a Jaz drive internally (i am in the middle of a hack) that i want to boot OS 8.1 off of, I seem to be having a problem. It doesn't want to boot from it. the Jaz drive is on the SCSI Chain.
I am not using the original Beige OS 8, as I don't have the discs. I have a generic OS 8, and I got 9 on the internal HDD. The Jaz is internally Terminated right. but it seems to not want to boot from it, i.e. it only wants to boot from CD-Rom (or dvd-rom in this case) or the internal IDE HDD)

got any suggestions?

iantm's picture
Last seen: 3 years 12 months ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
Posts: 709
OS version

I've been able to boot from jazz drives in the past (Umax S900). However, I'd start with - has this os 8.1 version ever worked to boot the beige G3? I know that the beige g3's are kind of weird with what OS you can run on them. (my generic OS 8 install discs don't work with them). If you can get 9 onto the jazz, I'd try that. After all, the jazz drive is 1gb and all. Since you know that 9 works on the unit well, I'd start from there.

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