Is it terrible of me to want to gut a functioning LC II (I think) and make it into a mini-itx box? It's even got a NIC card.
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It would be terrible of you to gut a functioning puppy and turn it into a Mini-ITX box. That would qualify as evil. Gutting an LC II, on the other hand, is doing the world a favor. It doesn't set you up to be the Messiah or anything, but it's definately on the plus side of the karma equation.
every mac and pc is the same as far as components, they all got CPU's, they got a MLB and they are useful. What sets the mac apart from the PC, is the environment it creates. Windows Creates a Hostile environment, and is generally klutsy (is that even a word?!) on the interface. Macs have a more pleasing feel, and are the thing to have if you want high quality (most of the time) parts and tech support.
Now with Intelimacs, you can run Windows. which in itself, is evil. But say, you were to run a flavour or *nix on the ITX, then it classifies as a so-so in evil.
I for one, run a PC with windows for work, and an iBook for play, and for more of the general usefulness. I use my PC for brute horsepower, and my iBook does net-browsing, on the go gaming/movie and I do my eMail on it so i don't get virus's. Heck, if it wasn't for the fact that I HAVE to use windows, I would be building a PC that ran nothing BUT a *nix flavour. sadly. my current one's hardware (or most of it) isn't recognized by Linux/Unix, so I am kinda outa luck.
In short, it's just a machine. I tend to think People become nuts and obessed about the mac machine. But then again, i was like that, till I realized that the main thing that made a mac, were the factors of reliability, the Environment, and the outward look of the machine. It's just parts, and I think that's all the machine is. They all use transistors, they all use capacitors, and with the intel macs, there really is NOTHING that set a pc that runs OS X x86, from a Mac that runs OS X x86. the hardware is bascically the same now.
So, go ahead, but if anything, PLEASE don't run windows on it. That's really the only condition that keeps it from being evil. if you can, save some of the components for later if they work, for a proect some other day
[crinkling sound of tin foil]
I will be printing off a copy of your AF profile and avatar and burning them. I will also, later, place a hex on you once I secure a fresh chicken (waiting on a sale at the Piggly Wiggly).
[/crinkling sound of tin foil]
[puke] DDTM, if you need any help, PLEASE let me know. Unless ur gonna run a *nix on it or OSX x86 on it, you should try and fix it. Esp. if its got a nic. You can use it for basic email & web surfing. Don't kill of a mac just to turn it into a pc, thats just blasphmously sick and wrong! Unless you want bad karma, definitly don't do it ! (unless its gonna run osx x86 or *nix,. then it's "alomst" ok!)[/puke]
Other computer related things that might mean you're evil...
1. That strange little altar you've built in your basement/spare room/attic surrounded by incense and CD's and with the initials "B.G." carved into it.
2. Same as above, but the initials are "S.J.", or perhaps "J.S."...
3. You've hacked the functionality of an HP-65 programmable calculator/pocket computer into your friend's new 17" Dell Latitude laptop... and that's all it thinks it is.
4. You've programmed your AIBO to tinkle.
5. You've built a high-end PC just to run an UNIVAC emulator
6. You watch "Hackers"... and cheer for Fisher Steven's chracter.
7. You watch "Wargames"... and cheer for Dabney Coleman.
8. You agree with IBM's early seventies mentality that there will only be a few computers and that home computers will simply be terminals off of mainframes.
9. You've set off to prove point #8 right.
10. You've started hacking into SETI Home and producing fake signals that, when translated, say "Send more Chuck Berry"...
I laughed so hard on that one, i pulled something
Clearly #4 on the list was the most evil. The sub-cult of the Tinkling Aibo has now been formed!! Bow down before its' yellow, electronically provided and directed, Arch of Truth!
Also Larry Ellison's late nineties mentality.
Nuffin' wrong with that. S'just creative liquid cooling.
Oh, and #11: You just can't wait for the next AOL CD to arrive in the mail.
... that there's all this discussion over an LCII. Having used an LCII as my main machine for a couple of years, I can tell you with some authority that it's very deserving of the LEM Road Apple rating.
Now if you were talking of doing this with a working LCIII, then I'd be first in line to slap you upside the head with a dead carp.
The LC case design is brilliant, and worthy of being carried forward to more useable hardware. I've thought it'd be fun to use an LC case for a Mac mini hack; plenty of room inside for the mini, the power supply, and a decent 3.5" hard drive (maybe two). But I'd definitely use an LC or LCII for that project.
You can also stick needles through your corneas and spin them vigorously between your thumbs and forefingers, as a substitute for buying a kaleidoscope. I don't imagine that would be *much* more painful then websurfing on an LCII.
Could start a whole other topic here... "What is the absolute pits for websurfing?"
My vote isn't a computer... it rhymes with "Kay O'Dell"...
That LCII I referred to earlier. That or an anemic 6116 with 24MB of RAM and a wimpy dialup connection. Ugh.
uhm, I don't get it.
It's a software package from a big (some would say the "first"... yeah, right...) ISP. "Kay" rhymes with "A", "O" rhymes with "O"...
That's great!!!
I still think that its a crime to do that to any mac. Road Apple or Not.
You ought to know that a fellow 'frittarian is using an Apple //e to surf the internet (it's in the Apple II discusion board).
...use an Apple IIe to search the web. There is nothing like reading post's on Applefritter, one page at a time...
AOPectate. I spent two years of my life doing tech support. It's not that bad. Are there better providers? Heavens yes. Though, I'd say that for what it is, it's nice. In the days before friendster and myspace, it wasn't a bad place to meet people.
Wow what a wide range or responses. It turns out that this might be a moot point because of the fact that I might come into a dead LC. One thing I was wondering is if I did try to put a mini-itx into it would it fit? What about PCI cards? Do they have angled extension cards that would do the trick.
The original LC series had a pretty tight case, measuring 76mm (3" for us Americans) tall... with its feet. Internally... we're talking tight. Unless the board has onboard video, I'd have to say that going in that direction is moot.
However, there is another hack that might still work. A couple, in fact. First, you could borrow some inspiration from our friends at IBM. They once made a pretty similar sized machine known as the PS/2 E or Model 33. Basically, it was a reboxed laptop, packed into a pretty thin case. I'd hit the eHarbor (snicker) to find a damaged, yet working, laptop and go from there.
The next option is one I wanted to try, but alas. The plan called for an iMac board stuffed into the LC case... was going to call it iLC (pronounced... yeah, you guessed it, "ilk"). Probably an easier one.
Just some more serious thoughts....
Would this be a less evil option. Get the working parts to those who could use them, little extra cash for the project and end up with an empty case?
As a side note...what's with the eHarbor and the like. Are we not allowed to use the names of these companies?
The LCII is actually a decent machine under System 6, While the LCIII requires System 7. Furthermore, there are many more LCIIIs around than LCIIs. Why not use a LCIII?
The reason I brought this up was because I'm trying to whittle my collection to stuff that has a purpose. The LC was grabbed because the box plus the NIC card cost me a total of $7. I don't really need a web/email machine because my TiBook is my main machine that I do all that stuff on. I don't know...the more I get involved in this thread the more I think I'll keep it. So everyone knows, this was a passing thought. I usually don't even think about messing with working equipment. And I'm always up for taking hand me down parts and putting them together. I should probally finish the projects I have started and then maybe search for a case for a mini-itx project.
Just toungue in cheek humor. We have to say 'Evil Block Company', and the eHarbor thing came right on the heels of a slam against a company whose name rhymes with
, so astro_rob just kept on that tangent being in a creative groove (he is a writer and artist in his free time).Even if you type the word Lego it says Evil Block Company...
Meanwhile I'd say do what you want to the LC, sell or pass on the working parts. Yes you can get low profile PCI right angle adapters, and at a guess I'd say a MiniITX board would fit in there.
Consider though, for the price of a MiniITX board, RAM, drives etc you could probably pick up a used G4 Mac Mini
... and try something like this
If you placed the wrong hex on him would you use a hex editor to fix it?
Well then, I must be really EVIL!!!!!
I am taking apart an emate with a busted hinge and cracking case and turning it into a desktop computer á la the Imac G4