hey guys;
can someone please explain to me how to make 16 sector disks in applewin? I usually make individule disks via dos 3.3. system master , init hello , delete hello , and copy what ever files I want to put on them , using fid. but the problem is when I go to transfer a disk image that I created back to floppy 5.25 , it comes up with an error not 16 sector disk , but it will transfer a full image disk that was sent over originally from the //c to the pc , but if you tinker with the files and what not , and even though they look like full disk files , they will not transfer back via adt from the pc -> //c , so hopefully someone can direct me in the right direction as to making disks manually in applewin , the correct way.
Patrick, from your description, it sounds like you're inserting a new diskette in the drive and using ADT to try to copy the virtual image back down to the Apple. And at that point ADT complains that [the physical floppy] isn't a 16-sector disk. Right?
Assuming that's the scenario... the real problem is that ADT is complaining about the physical floppy, not your image. The image is most likely fine. But the floppy is just uninitialized as far as ADT is concerned. If you INIT HELLO the real floppy with DOS 3.3 first, it'll work fine.