ok, I am REALLY pissed. westieg3 took my story, and clamed it as his own. I originally had the idea for the wallstreet light up logo. here is my original topic: http://www.applefritter.com/node/9902
I dont see ANY mention of my original idea posted in the article, nor do I even see a mention of my name. he essentally pirated my content, and that's not right. I dont see why AF is hosting this crap. I ahve had enough of my ideas stolen in the past for it to get to me at my very core.
so, could a moderator please pull the article, and put up mine? I cant believe people can do this to other people.
Maybe those higher than me will have a different opinion, but I'm not sure your complaint has much merit.
I don't see any of your photos or text copied verbatim in his writeup, so he did not pirate your content. Nor, I think, does he need to credit you with the idea, as there are others who have gone before you, though not necessarily with the Wallstreet specifically.
You're not the first one to come up with the idea of lighting a Powerbook screen logo either, so it's not your idea. Alk did a glowing logo with his Wallstreet as well.
Your post was over half a year ago, and progressed no further. I don't see why you can't polish your write-up, get better pictures and post the finished product here as well. The more the merrier.
I've added a post to the Glowing Wallstreet article that gives you a share of the credit and links to the forum discussion.
If you want to submit a story, you need to follow the instructions in the Submit a Story link at the top of every page. I do not read every forum discussion, and was not aware of your project.
Regarding the charge of plagiarism against westieg3, your projects are similar in idea, but not in presentation. Also consider that modifications such as this are very common. In your own thread from Dec. 2005, Dr. Bob has a post that begins "When I did this to my wallstreet back in 1998…"
alright fine, I guess, but I just think it was unfair. plus, even if the presentation is different, it could still count, but nevermind.
as for submitting the stroy, I did that 3 times, and it never really made it. I dont know quite what happened but it seems like the work of something evil.
just my 2 cents.
To be quite fair, the idea was almost certainly 'plagiarised' in the first place from Apple's other designs with light-up Apple logos.
actually, we hacked it into an existing system that didnt have that feature. like if your computer doesnt have any USB ports, and the next higher model does, and you go out and get a card, that's not plagirisim.
If you have trouble with the submission process, email me or start a thread in Af Architects.
And in all fairness, it certainly wasn't my idea. I did this several years ago (can't remember exactly when, but it must have at least been late '03 based on this AF 1.5 thread)
Not that I'm trying to take credit for coming up with it. Heck, I hardly ever have any original thoughts... at least when it comes to hacks!
I had alot of trouble uploading my story about the 8-drive bracket for my Quadra 950 to the point that I gave up and posted it as a blog. If memory serves, I did try to send you both an email and a PM asking for help in uploading. In my case, I had a .pdf and I think the server balked at the size (but it was not too big...).