Can anyone tell me if something like this...
Would just work if I put it in my MDD G4? I don't see why it wouldn't, couldn't the built-in driver for SATA in Mac OS X recognize it?
It might work, but it certainly won't boot.
Why wouldn't it boot?
Because disk controller cards need to have a special Open Firmware BIOS to be recognized by a Mac at boot time. Lacking that, they're either completely useless, or will work only after an OS which can directly recoginze the chipset is booted via some other means.
To get said BIOS you're stuck buying a card from Sonnet, ACARD, or some other specifically Mac-friendly manufacturer.
I guess I'll buy one from SIIG, they're the cheapest.
IIRC there are a few SIIG cards with OF capable firmware. Or, at least somebody OEMs them from SIIG cards.
. . . bought it from OWC.
dan k
I was thinking about getting one of the $50 OWC brand ones with the ext or int connections. that way if i ever need to use and external i could just flip a switch.
I just recalled I've got a bootable Acard PATA adapter too.
OWC branded card? External SATA ports? Where, where?!?
dan k