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Last seen: 18 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 16 2007 - 04:39
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I'm not sure if this is the right forum. (If it isn't just move it). The part that the cable screws into on my t.v. is broken off.(long story) I was wondering if there was a way to still hoke cable up to my t.v.. A friend of mine said that I should get a VCR/DVD player that has the cable screw in part. Then just hoke it up via the white/yellow/red holes.

If you understood what I just said please help.


My emails and my aim is Legalwithani

dankephoto's picture
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Have you got the skills to solder a cable pigtail (with an 'F' connector on it, obviously) into the tuner 'box' that used to have the screw-on 'F' connector? That'd be the easiest repair I'd think.

dan k

Last seen: 18 years 4 weeks ago
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I'm 17 and I have no skills a

I'm 17 and I have no skills at all. I was hoping there was some kind of adapter or something.

iantm's picture
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If you can't solder ...

and want to be able to watch regular tv on it, you'll want a vcr with a tuner (can be had for very cheap at a thrift store or pawn shop) or a cable box (most of these have rca or s-video jacks for output on them in addition to coax).

If you want more options, a VCR and or cable cable box plus a surround sound equipped stereo receiver will give you options for more inputs. Since those rca and s-video jacks normally don't connect to the tuner and coax is typically the only way, you'll need to repair the coax connector or use a vcr or cable box to watch tv on it.

Worst case scenario, you've got a nice display for a video game console system or laptop computer.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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White/Yellow/Red holes

In case the previous responses were too complicated, here's the basics:

1: Get a VCR, if all you want to do is watch "basic cable". If you're watching "premium" channels you probably need a cable box from the cable company. If that's the case you probably don't need the VCR.

2: Look at the back of your VCR or cable box. See that it has the red/white/yellow jacks on the back. A VCR will have two sets, a cable box only one. (Some VCRs might even have a third set on the front of the box. Ignore those.) On the VCR the yellow jacks will be labeled "video in/video out", and the red/white pairs "audio in/audio out". The "outs" are what you need. On a cable box they'll all be outputs

3: Get three cables, appropriately color coded. (Any electronics/TV/department store can sell you a nice bundled cable that has three plugs on each end for just this purpose nice and cheap.) Plug one end of the yellow cable into the "video out" jack on the VCR, and attach the other end to the yellow jack on the TV. Do the same with the red and white plugs, routing the "audio out" from the VCR to the lower pair of jacks on your TV.

(If you're using a cable box then you *really* can't miss, since the cable box won't have any inputs to confuse you. Just match color to color.)

4: Hook your cable feed into the "Antenna/Cable In" jack on the VCR. Turn it on, and tune the TV to receive from the input jack instead of the tuner. (It will probably show up as "input" or "video1". You may need to use a "TV/Video" button on the remote rather then the channel selector buttons.) Stick a piece of tape over the channel selector now. You'll never use it again. Use the channel buttons on the VCR or cable box remote from now on.

Happy motoring. It's not a stolen TV, is it?


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