LC550 AB in Power CC, what traces (if any) do I cut/modify?

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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LC550 AB in Power CC, what traces (if any) do I cut/modify?

I'm digging all my power CC parts out to finish this project once and for all, I remember the last thing I attempted was trimming down an LC550 analog board to use in place of the stock CC one (my stock CC board seemed like it was being strained too much when I did the 60hz 640x480 mod, even though I have a secondary power supply for everything else BUT the CRT).

On my original CC AB it looks like I cut a few traces on the connector to make the 6500 MB see it as a powermac 5500 chassis. Pin 25 was isolated, pin 20's trace was cut and rewired to pin 24, Jumper 19 on the top side was cut, and then this was what was rerouted for the VGA fix:
This configuration worked, aside from the picture being a little jerky once in a while.

On the LC550 analog board, no traces were cut, Jumper 19 on the top was cut, and pin 1 of the connector was soldered someplace arbitrary on the board- following the instructions of the person who posted the method that I followed like a year ago or more.

Now, my question is this-
What is the PROPER way to use an LC(or performa)550 analog board? When I powered this machine up, it just sat there with a black screen. I listended for normal hard drive function to see if it were booting, but there was nothing. Now, the thing didn't go up in a ball of flames, so that's a plus, but I think the connector needs to be wired differently to trigger the machine to startup fully. Does anyone know the correct way to get this analog board working correctly? Fitting it is not an issue, I've accompished this feat already, I just want to get the board actually running because there would be less risk of burning out prematurely since it's designed to display 640x480.

AG-Wolf's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 136
Disregard the above post (how

Disregard the above post (how come I cant delete posts?).. I put the old analog board back in the machine but I still can't get a startup chime or any intlligent activity out of the whole shebang once it's together, so I have a different problem to track down, it would seem.

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