The Bill Gates Reality Distortion Field

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The Bill Gates Reality Distortion Field

It amazing how he doesn't even answer half the questions, he just rambles some uninformed or half baked answer with a sterotypical response. I think he secretly wishes he was The Steve. But, The Steve doesn't make quite as goofy and stupid comments as these. Wanna know what's in store for the next release of Windows (2010-2011, and if they follow their current path it'll be 2017)?

Parallel computing is pretty important for the next release. We'll make it so that a lot of the high-level graphics will be just built into the operating system.

Oh, never mind that multi-core CPUs are here *NOW*, and modern GPUs have super computing throughputs, and that we've had multi-CPU machines available for years. Oh, and this *NEXT* release of Windows will be user-centric. Just you wait...

And this little gem:

Nowadays, security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine.

Do I really need to come up with a snappy response to that load of you-know-what?

Are you bugged by the Apple commercial where John Hodgman is the PC, and he has to undergo surgery to get Vista?
I've never seen it. I don't think the over 90 percent of the [population] who use Windows PCs think of themselves as dullards, or the kind of klutzes that somebody is trying to say they are.

Could you answer the question please, Mr. Gates? It's about having to do major work to the average PC to run Vista, not about the personality of the guy playing the PC. He later says they make it easier to upgrade the hardware, but skips over the fact that you HAVE to upgrade it to run the better version. "We let you do it, even if you don't want to!"

And his elevator sales pitch on why to buy Vista?
[quote]The most effective thing would be if I could sit down with them and just take them through the new look for a couple of minutes, show them the Sidebar, show them the way the search lets you go through lots of things, including lots of photos. Set up a parental control. And then I might edit a high-definition movie and make a little DVD that's got photos. As I went through, they'd think, “Wow, is that something I could use, would that make a difference for me?

coius's picture
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what a bunch of

what a bunch of [censored]

That's the worse comeback against the mac, that I have EVER Heard. Heck, when I install Vista (and it wasn't even the full release day yet!) I had about 8 Security updates. And half of them were exploited in the beta days, BEFORE they fixed them.
Nevermind the trojans and Viruses they have out NOW. I think ol' Bill is running scared thinking that Vista is going to go down the crapper, since people are happy with (already flawed, but running) XP, and only the REAL tinkerers will want Vista. The only reason I have it, is because I get it free with my MSDNAA membership with my Tech School. I don't find ANYTHING that is worth me getting rid of XP.
I have found a TON of setbacks in my work BECAUSE of Vista. Utilities that I use to recover data, is not being given permission to run by Vista, or Plain won't install.

Nevermind the thing about Signed drivers (i have network cards that work in XP, but Vista refuses to install them because they don't have "signed drivers"

It's going to be a HUGE dip in their stock from releasing this Vista.\

EDIT: Need I mention the MASSIVE overhaul and cash payout that people have to do to get Vista to run DECENTLY on a system. My system as a 2.01Ghz AMD Sempron with 1GB Ram and a 64MB video card meets 1.0 Rating standards. I can't get the aeroglass, and heard it won't work on anything without a 3.5 rating.

catmistake's picture
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Vista rides Windows momentum

Granted, there's not much motion, but the current install of Windows machines is massive. At the Univ. I work for, a lot of techs are scrambling for Vista, using the excuse that they will be required to support a significant number of new users. I'm not letting my users near it.

only the REAL tinkerers will want Vista

tinkerers meaning... masochists? That would make more sense... "only the REAL masochists will want Vista"... yes... that's better.

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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From what I've seen using vis

From what I've seen using vista, it's the most bloat from microsoft, and I thought ME was bloated. Also, I think they put all the dev money into making that fold out plastic packaging.

dankephoto's picture
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I think that interview is a hoax!

There's no way the respondent is Bill Gates, he simply can't be such a blinkered jackass as the interview makes him appear! He comes off as a buffoon, a joke, it just can't be the real deal. Is it 1 April already?

dan k

BDub's picture
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Re: The Bill Gates Reality Distortion Field

[quote=JAnd this little gem:

Nowadays, security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine.

Do I really need to come up with a snappy response to that load of you-know-what?

In fairness, I believe he's referencing the Month of Apple Bugs project, which attempted to reveal a different Apple bug every day for the month of January. The project took a lot of flak because it was irresponsible about the way it released the information, releasing exploits without giving Apple or the other application developers targeted any time to fix and release and because they claimed it was a Month of Apple Bugs and in that time seven of the bugs were from products not even released by Apple.

These were not total exploits. A lot of them were privilege elevation bugs or crashers, but no out and out remote machine takeovers. From my understanding, many of them also required local access to the machine or preexisting logins to the machine. (I haven't reviewed the whole list, so maybe there's something in their to zombie a machine but I hope that would have hit Slashdot.)

Macinjosh's picture
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One Interview, Hold the FUD

I dont find the Mac comment hard to believe; he's the inventor of Windows, so hey everything he says is gospel, right?

And of course, Vista is the answer. Unfortunately, it's the answer to why you need dual core CPUs and GIGS of RAM...

-- MJ

DrBunsen's picture
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Re: The Bill Gates Reality Distortion Field

I dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine.

In the words of GWB, "Bring it on." And we all know how well that worked out.

Are you bugged by the Apple commercial where John Hodgman is the PC, and he has to undergo surgery to get Vista?
I've never seen it. I don't think the over 90 percent of the [population] who use Windows PCs think of themselves as dullards, or the kind of klutzes that somebody is trying to say they are.

He dodges the point that the two guys are playing computers, not users. Although that's possibly a fine distinction for the general public to make.

I certainly see the potential for people to find the PC guy's persona insulting, and the smug, too-cool-for-school Mac guy a real turn-off. Especially if you're not someone who considers yourself, or cares about, "cool". I think this campaign is possibly a huge marketing blunder.

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Well, considering market share increases of Macs...

...I don't think they can be viewed as a blunder, DrBunsen. Instead, they may just perpetuate the image of the Mac being a "niche computer", and perhaps the niche is growing. But hey, market share is market share. Overall, I think the commercials have been successful. They are humorous, without being overtly insulting to the MS PC world.

An aside: I bought my 59-year-old mom an iPod Shuffle for Christmas. I was afraid it would turn into a huge blunder, but she now loves it so much that I see her with it all the time, not just when she s working out. Now she is calling me for advice on which Mac to buy (ie, which one won't make my stick-in-the-mud dad go ape). Totally unexpected result of a relatively inoccuous Christmas gift.

In closing, Bill Gates should keep his mouth shut, and lock Ballmer in the basement while he is at it. Then they should hire someone who can speak eloquently on their products (even if the stuff they say is "embellished" since there is no eloquence (read: elegance) in MS products) and front him/her as the new CEO.

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