About three days ago I installed Security Update (PPC) 2007-002, the Java For Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5.0, and Daylight Savings Time Update (Ti). Now, I can't access certain websites. Unfortunately, one of these is Hotmail, which I use a lot. Any helpful suggestions?
BTW I just remembered the Report A Bug To Apple feature of Safari. Time to use it.
Do you have another browser? Try firefox.
I like Safari, but I can't deny that it has some serious issues.
Yup, Safari, Explorer, and Firefox. None of them work. Firefox did report that the webpage for my hotmail inbox was encrypted and therefore probably not accessible. This is another reason that I think that the last security update did me in.
I really don't want to re-install OS 10.4 then do all of the upgrades except for the last three, but if that's what it takes. . .
I don't know if it was a coincidence, but resetting my network hub fixed the internet problem. It's weird though, the internet still worked in general this whole time, just not certain pages. I wonder if the security update caused this snafu?
Anyway if some has a similar experience to what I described above, try reseting your network hub/and/or DSL connection.