iMac G3 display problem!!!

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iMac G3 display problem!!!

I have a iMac G3 and i loads up ok and everything
is ok apart from the screen is in lines and in
diffenet colours some things are the right colour!!!
Can anyone help me???

Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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I found out it was the G3 geting to hot so
i put the heatsink off my old 1400cs on top of
the G3 and now it works fine!!!

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How hot was it? Do you know?

How hot was it? Do you know? In OS9, Gauge Pro will tell you. I forget how to find out in X. I've never heard that happening because of heat before.

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Im not sure if it was the heat as it didnt seam that hot but ill leave the heat-sink in just so it works

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It wasnt geting hot!!!

It was the hard drrive that was geting hot and that was making it hot!!
If i want to put a new hard drive in my iMac what should the jummpers be on?

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HD Jumpers


Since you have a "working model," see how the original drive has the jumpers set.

The SETTING -- such as master, slave, etc is crucial! THE POSITION -- such as 1st on left can vary from one disk drive to another.

Frequently there will be a small diagram on the hard drive telling where to place a jumper for master, slave, master with slave, etc. That same chart can make it quite easy to tell how your present drive is configured, too.

Also, as noted elsewhere on G-3 Imac postings:
* The first partition on the new hard drive MUST be less than 8 GB (and is where the operating system MUST be installed, too!)
* The other partition(s) have restrictions, too.

Others please add to or correct me on this, please:

after the first partition, the second partition MUST be smaller than ___ (I think 128 GB).

Those two tips may save a headache or two if you decide to replace teh hard drive.


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thanks but....

it now keeps goin back to the screen with lines i think its the prossesor well it says there is a problem with system bus
if its not pluged in. that affects the screen sometimes!!!!!
has anyone had the same problem?
when its in lines, the lines are a reflection/mirror image of a part of the screen!!!
when i said it was geting warm it was the HD that was geting warm!!!
do you think its that sytem bus thats faulty??

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Is the firmware up to date?

Is the firmware up to date? You may be experiencing the trouble that comes form trying to install or run OS X on an iMac without updated firmware. You'll need at least SO 9.1 on the HD to install it, and it must be done from OS 9, not Classic mode in OS X.

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Its up-to-date allready but i have take out thay metal shell inside of the iMac and it now works ok!!
What dows that metal shell do?
Does it just protect you from when puting in a external monitor?
I have also put a new HD in it 80GB!!
And if i hit it on the side gently before with the metal shell it would go back wierd but now it doesnt!!
So i think i'll leave that meal shell out!!

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RF shield

The "metal shell" you refer to is called a Faraday cage or RF shield. It's there to keep your iMac from causing interference with your TV reception, your cordless phone, or space aliens planning their attack.

My guess is that the cage was touching some component(s) on the logic board or step-down board and shorting out. If it works without the cage, then leave it off.

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Leaving cover off: No


If leaving the cover off allows the computer to work, try to determine what changes when the cover was put on. As the previous poster noted, maybe the cover created some sort of short, or the like.

Since Apple saw a need to include that part in the original production, perhaps it would be better to try to find out why that part "causes" a problem when it is re-installed.

Just my 2 cents.

David Johansson

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I will try putin the metal shell back on and see if its touching anything!

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Its working ok now!!!

I havent had any problems at all since i put the metal shell back on!
But i wonder if it will still be ok tomorrow i'll report back if i get any!

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I foun aut it was actuallt the RAM was loose.

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Loose Ram

That is great you found what problem was created by re-installing the shield!

[Might have been a bigger headache if the Ram moved just enough to cause the computer to crash and lose data.]

Glad the computer is all smiles again ... shield and all.


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