I recently acquired a 400 Mhz slotloader at my weekend job (the recycling center )
I upgraded the hard drive and the ram to 384 MB. I also updated the firmware and installed 10.3.9. The machine runs extremely well, but the screen has a slight flicker to it.. little tiny lines that move rapidly. They are very faint, and you can't really see them unless you look carefully. It does get annying after a while, and I would like to find the cause. I hear that the imacs have bad flyback transformers. Could this be the problem?
I also have a 333 tray loader i found the week before (i don't collect junk engines and computers, i swear ). This machine does not have any flicker at all. What components can I swap to fix the faster machine?
It most likely is the flyback on the 400 Mhz slotloader...unfortunately, not many parts are swappable between the trayloaders and the slotloaders...
You might be better off doing an ATX mod.
do you think it would be worth tracking down another flyback?
How likely is the machine to fail completely?
Eventually it is sure to fail. Those machines were dodgy to begin with, and are now getting to almost ten years old.