Leopard, supported machines

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protocol6v's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Leopard, supported machines

I was browsing Apple specs and saw that any machine 500MHz or below was considered vintage now. Does this mean Leopard will nto support anything under 500MHz? Even the Dual 500MHz Gigabit G4s are considered "Vintage".

iantm's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
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Honestly ...

I wouldn't be planning to run 10.5 on anything less than a 1ghz G4. Considering 10.4's performance on sub 1ghz machines, I don't expect 10.5 to be great on those machines, considering all the intel and 64 bit code.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Yep. I run 10.4 on my 600MHz

Yep. I run 10.4 on my 600MHz iBook with 640MB RAM, and it's just acceptable, maybe a faster drive would help. I don't think anything tuned for G4/G5/Intel (ie 10.5) is going to run any better on it. I'd say that 10.3 or 10.4 would be a reasonable end of the line for a G3. As for G4s, a good amount of RAM should help, but as iantm has pointed out 64-bit code optimization should be increasing in OS X to a large degree so G4s will be seeing less and less gains with every new release.

These reasons point to a soon approaching switch to alternative OSs for older PPC Macs as OS X versions age. 10.2 is showing many signs of lack of support, much like OS 9 did for a while until it started to fade off. There is a single modern web browser still supported on OS 9, even Mozilla doesn't support it. 10.2 is stuck on an old Safari version, new toys (widgets) and software are needing 10.3 or 10.4 to run... All this makes me question the drop of the PPC port from official Ubuntu support a bit odd.

protocol6v's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: Apr 21 2006 - 20:58
Posts: 339
10.4 runs quite nice on the d

10.4 runs quite nice on the dual 500s we have at work. I don't see any reason why dual machines aren't going to be supported.

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