Paddle Test

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Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2008 - 00:13
Posts: 61
Paddle Test

I'm looking for a small BASIC program I can enter into my Apple to see the input of my Paddles. I want to see a set of readouts for both paddles. I like to see the function of the pots 0%-100% and the function of the push buttons 0 (off) or 1 (on).

I know one of my push buttons needs to be replaced (the other seams fine). I know one of pots seams to end prematurely [makes it hard two play such games as Space Eggs]. I want to know if the other one does the same thing. I'm going to check it with the ohm meter afterwards to see if it's the pot or the computer. Think it's the paddles because I'm pretty sure it did this when I plugged it into my IIgs. I dismissed this as a IIgs problem.

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: Apr 10 2006 - 20:01
Posts: 1013
Here's one from the FAQ, http

Here's one from the FAQ, :

20 PRINT "X= "; PDL(0); TAB(15); "Y= ";PDL(1); TAB(30);
30 IF PEEK(49249)>127 THEN PRINT " B0";
40 IF PEEK(49250)>127 THEN PRINT " B1";

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2008 - 00:13
Posts: 61
Thanks that worked perfectly.

Thanks that worked perfectly. I now know it's the paddles (because I tried it on both of my computers with the same result).

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