I'm a 13 year old looking at purchasing a Macintosh se fdhd or craigslist. I asked the guy who is selling it to try to boot it up and he said that it boots up with an hourglass on the screen. What does this mean? And how do I fix it? I asked for pictures from him. Hopefully they come..
Macintosh se with hour glass on boot up
April 23, 2009 - 7:17pm
Macintosh se with hour glass on boot up
I can't think of any hourglass... see if you can get a picture or a better description.
link :
Macintosh Compact Models "Hourglass" Effect on Screen
and if booting with the shift key pressed ( extensions of) ?
Well I was able to bargain the whole system down to $10 with case and external hard drive. I will get it on Saturday and will post a picture hopefully on that day. thank
Sorry.. I got the computer today and it turns out the guy wasn't speaking the truth. There was no hourglass on boot up only the common blinking question mark on a folder. I fixed this with my boot disk included in the package. Thank you all for tring to help....
Oh no.. Now my mac rejects the system disk I just put it in during the blinking disk with question mark screen. Then it shows the "happy mac sign" and then spits out the disk. It's worked before and it can boot the tour disk ok. What am I doing wrong??
Are you placing the disk in the mac prior to turning it on, or after you are turning it on? It "should" make no difference, but try putting in the disk, then turning on the power. See what happens.
I tried both ways.
In my purchase I also got this external hard drive, cable and terminator. Do I put the terminator between the hard drive and the computer or after the hard drive and computer? Any info on the hard drive will be appreciated Pictures:
Drive: http://www.applefritter.com/node/24094
Back: http://www.applefritter.com/node/24095
Close: http://www.applefritter.com/node/24096
Cable: http://www.applefritter.com/node/24097
scsi: connector: http://www.applefritter.com/node/24098
The external hd has two centronics-50 SCSI ports on the back. Plug the SCSI cable into one, plug the terminator into the other--it doesn't matter which to which. Plug the other end of the SCSI cable into the DB25 SCSI port on the back of the SE. There may be a hd inside the external case which has a system on it. With the external hd hooked up to the SE, it might boot off the external hd. Important: turn on the external hd first, and then the SE. Just turn them on and wait. If there's a system on the external hd, the SE will eventually find it.
I was able to boot up the mac se and plugged in the hard drive. I found many applications including a disk formatting program.It says this when I do a hard drive test. This is the internal hard drive and would like so info on it. If you know any info on this topic please respond. Even if the hard drive is broken, how do I get a new one?
Which hd are you booting off of--the external or the internal? 20SC would be a 20mb hd. It should be replaceable with any 50pin Mac compatible hd. Someone here probably can get one to you. I believe there's a 2GB recognizable limit for that early SCSI bus. The important thing you need for replacing the internal hd is a long enough Torx screwdriver. See here:
There are dangers to be aware of when opening a CRT Mac. We had a heated debate here once about the legend about CRT insides being potentially lethal. Anyway, if you decide to go ahead with going inside, you can read this article:
You could always just boot off the external hd instead of the internal. I can't remember if the external SCSI bus is slower than the internal SCSI bus on that machine, though. Replacing the hd in the external case is very simple.
Ok. I located the screw driver was recommended on the other forum. They have one at a sears 2 mi away. I plan to pick it up on Saturday. Right now I'm booting off the 40mb dive attached to the mac se it has 6.0.8. I believe that internal hard drive is broken as I have run multiple programs on it with the same result...failure. I read on the other forum that you can put the hd in the freezer and It would maybe work again. Does this work long term or short term? thank You
The freezer trick is a very short term solution, as in a matter of minutes.
The idea is freezing the drive contracts the metal parts, creating a bit more tolerence between moving parts and bringing poor contacts together. Just enough time to hopefully copy any important data onto another drive before it heats up again and whatever problem the drive has returns.
BTW, I like the photo you posted of the SE in the carrying bag. Brings back memories of lugging an SE/30 home from college when I was taking a Hypercard elective.
Thanks, I do not need any info on the disk, I wasn't mine to begin with. I bought off a guy form carigslist. I want to replace it, what is a good price for a 1 or 2gb internal scsi hard drive. And would you recommend a specific one?