Does anyone know any useful hacks for Mac OS 9.2.2?

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grandta13's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Joined: Jan 23 2010 - 21:42
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Does anyone know any useful hacks for Mac OS 9.2.2?

Does anyone know any useful hacks that will work in Mac OS 9.2.2?

themike's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 455
Useful and OS 9 aren't often

Useful and OS 9 aren't often seen together in the same sentence. But on a more helpful note, check out ResEdit for OS 9. There used to be a great website, RESHacker or something like that, maybe someone else here can point you to it.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Are you thinking of Resexcell

Are you thinking of Resexcellence?
It was a fantastic site back in the day when Michael Coyle was running it.
You can still access some of the pages through the web archive, and can probably (possibly?) track down any files mentioned by name if the site's links are no longer working.

The problem with asking for "useful hacks" for OS 9 is that it's such an open-ended question. There's tons of hacks for OS 9, but what makes them useful is entirely subjective.

I still run some software requiring OS 9 (a 4D database application that runs faster under OS 9, StrataStudio, and my Alps thermal printer) and I actually prefer the OS 9 finder to OS X.

There's a nice Applescript called DIM (Desktop icon Manager) that will let you customize desktop icon placement and remember it across reboots.

themike's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 455
Resexcellence, thats the one.

Resexcellence, thats the one. I had a whole bunch of that stuff going on with my PM6100. Of course, not much of it was truly useful... but I miss those days Smile

grandta13's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
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I tried RESexelence but almos

I tried RESexelence but almost all the download links weren't archived. At this point I'll settle for just knowing where I can download additional themes for Mac OS 9.2.2 without the use of third-party software such a Kaleidoscope.

davintosh's picture
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Not Really A Hack Perse...

... But incredibly useful all the same; Proteron's LiteSwitch. Their work was totally eclipsed by OS X and the built-in app switcher, but I loved LiteSwitch back in the OS 9 days. I've been poking around online and can't seem to find a downloadable copy of version 1.0, but I'm sure I've got a copy stashed on a drive somewhere.

Dog Cow's picture
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My site has some of the conte

My site has some of the content which was on ResExcellence.

Here are the OS 9 themes, for example:

Dog Cow's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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My site has some of the conte

My site has some of the content which was on ResExcellence.

Here are the OS 9 themes, for example:

grandta13's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 27

I checked those and most of them work. FYI There are some that ate broken links and a few that lead to ResExelence(which no longer works), but for the mot part they worked. I would like to know how to install alternate startup screens. Thanks.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 1895
startup screen

To install a startup screen in OS 9, an image needs to be saved as a Pict Resource file and saved in the root of the System Folder and named StartupScreen.

From my rusty memory there were a few applications that would rotate startup screens, but I don't remember any names.

You can also use a small Quicktime movie in the same way, naming it StarupMovie.

You could accomplish this with Applescript. The script would have to run as an application at the end of the boot process (since the startup screen loads before extensions) and copy a new image file into the system folder from a defined location for the -next- boot, but my scripting skills were never developed enough for the finer details of something like that.

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