Is there a power supply that can fit in two 5 and a 1/4 inch bays?
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I picked up awhile back are about 4cm x 8.5cm x 22cm. So they're the same thickness (roughly) as a half height device, but are much skinnier and a little longer than a 5 1/4" drive. Nice and compact, I bought 'em for projects as yet unknown.
I have no idea what these originally fit, maybe some sort of mini atx or something. They are 200W auto-switching Fortron model FSP-200U1. They have a regular 20 pin connector, same as the G3s use. Cost something like $3 each (IIRC) on eBay.
Dan K
Hey yeah i looked for those PSUs you were talking about, and i couldnt find one anywhere not ebay and not on google. :?
Forget the exact make/model I mentioned, instead search eBay:
Computers & Networking > Desktop PC Components > Power Supplies
for - "(micro*,1u*)" - include the brackets but not the quotes.
tons of micro atx PSes, all very compact and many are _cheap_. Plus some 1U PSes (which is what I think I must have) Examples:
Dan K
For ultra smallness consider the PSUs made for Mini-ITX systems. The highest rated one I've seen is about 120 W. Many of them use a large external AC adapter to 12V, and a small circuit board for DC level conversion which plugs straight onto the ATX motherboard power supply.