:(Major help please. Bought a G3 off of e-Bay as I needed to still be able to run system 9.2 for some of our machining software that has not been rev up to OS X. Thought it would run under Classic but the software does not recognize its hardware key. I did a clean install using the MAC OS 9 disk which I had bought from MAC last year for another computer. Now it will not boot without the CD and it does not recognize the harddrive. The harddrive is a quantaum (spelling) 8 GB drive.
Have no idea what to do as it did not come with any software drivers for the harddrive. Any help would be appreciated this is not a good thing.
Thanks big time
I though that with IDE har disks, it didn't need special drivers for it.
I know this is a stupid question, but have you run Drive Setup after booting the CD to see what it detects?
A while back I found a Beige G3 at a thrift store. On a little 2GB hard disk it had 9.0 and 10.0.3. I never could get it to work reliably with anything else. It had similar symptoms - I would install OS 9, then it would load from CD. Trying to install X would cause the video to freeze. I never did find out why it happened since I had 2 others.
:?Okay I got the Beige G3's hard drive reformated and got it to boot but I wanted to run Nortons on it and it tells me that the disk is not an HFS disk and Norton Utilites does not operate on a disks which do not use the Hierarical File System.
What does this mean?
I did a quick google and found that older versions of Nortons only work with HFS formatted drives. Could this be your problem? Did you format the drive as HFS+? If so, a newer version of Nortons should work... Not sure which version that might be. Google a bit. I think the change in HD format happened after OS 8.1? And I belive that HFS+ allows you to store more data on your drive vs HFS...
If you stuck an OS X disc in or booted one at some point you might try a reset of the Open Firmware, or PRAM. OS X CDs like to mess up the Beige firmware a bit if you don't let it do a full install.