PHP/CGI/HTML Questions...

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PHP/CGI/HTML Questions...

Hello All,
I am making a website for an organization how'st ever they need a login 'thing', that would allow cretin things to be accessed with by typing in a pass word(s) and user name... I'm using the Geocities Pro option for creation not my computers... So, it must have to work that way... And ideas what I need to do like CSS,CGI,Perl,Java,XML,HTML,etc? Please let me know...

Also, if I get it working I can offer the person(s) who help a bit of money for there time.

Please let me know!

Thanks All,
Mark Jozaitis

BDub's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 703

How are you storing your passwords? Files? Database? Are you planning on encrypting them at all?


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