I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds many of the posts around here frustrating. I'll admit, the idea of an iPod forum is to keep most of the relative newbs in one place, as opposed to having "PLEASE HELP!!! ME!!!!" threads scattered all over the forums, but seriously looking, I can barely differentiate one title from another there. I'm sure I'm not the only person who wants to help when someone posts:
"Exclamation mark on iPod"
As opposed to:
"HELP ME!!! iPOD!!!"
I'm only pointing out the title problem in this area because a quick look will make you shiver. However, vague titles do appear all over the forums. Perhaps it'd be useful to post a bit of information on how to get a post responded to quickly and by the right people? Perhaps descriptive titles, proper spelling and grammar, and anything else we can think of.
Does anyone else think this is a good idea? The obvious problem is that people who read threads like "Posting Guidelines" are generally the people who already know how to write a proper post.
Oddly, the old 'People should need to write a test to use the internet' idea popped into my head. It sounds weird, but now I want every poster to have to answer 5 easy 'how to post' multiple choice questions before they're allowed to post. But that's just fantasy on my part.
Oh, while I'm posting, can everyone kind of keep an eye on the iPod/iTunes forum for the next week or two? I'll be on if I can be, but I'm moving in a little less than 7 hours, and I'm probably going to drop offline for a couple weeks. Of course, I'm sure I'll have to buy a cup of coffee somewhere with wireless and browse around a bit every few days, but that's about it.
But on topic: how can we encourage good spelling, grammar, and descriptive post titles.
In a burst of severe irony, I digressed horribly in this thread
Random beatings.
Who the heck cares about "perfect" spelling and grammer and whatever on forums. No one is coming here to learn english. I mean don't be flagrant (heck, i'm not sure if thats the right spelling) but i hate mod forum nazis. They make forums a very sterile place to visit. Blech. I like casual and informative conversation, not deseratations and thesis's. So what if I make an occasional mispelling or forget to captialize a letter or something. Its a forum for crying out loud.
I do agree about descriptive thread titles though. But leave the perfect spelling and grammer for english classes/forums. Its not like this forum is full of haxorspeakers anyway (I hate those kids more than post nazi mods).
But god no freaking post nazis.
(note, I know I spelled grammer wrong but I don't really think thats a big deal in the grand scheme of things.)
(now there's a descriptive title! )
you should be beaten severely about the neck and shoulders.
Do i get my choice as to who is going to beat me? And with what?
I agree, but I think it should be enforced to an extent. I don't want to see too much haxor speak (etc) as this makes posts very tedious to read, but the odd miss spelt word is fine IMHO.
NO! Your crime is too offensive. You must be disciplined with a free iPod (once I can find five people willing to be my friend) and the punishment shall be administered by the unofficial pin-up girl of the AF: http://www.applefritter.com/node/view/5208.
You will be begging for more before it is over (God, I know I would)!
Now suffer for your insolence!
do we have a winner yet amongst the 'deseratations and thesis’s'?
dan "What good are words if you can't play with them?" k
To (mis)quote "Revenge of the Nerds":