Hey I messed up. i tried putting 10.3 right on a 1gb hd (not quite thinking)
Tried to booting of hd w/ 9.2 It powers up makes the sound no image on screen.
C key is worthless since i dont have 9.2 OS disk.
The last thing i saw a on screen was the oSX gray with a big flashing no smoking type sign. How do i reset? Did i kill the ROM?
What are all the short cuts and what do they do ( ie cmd-opt-pr etc. )
Beige G3/300/DVD/128RAM
I don't think OS X.3 will actually work with the beige G3 no matter what. You may want to try and get a hold of a 9.2 disc and try updating (or replace) the original firmware with a more up to date. you can press (i think it has one) the CUDA button. It should be a very small surface mount switch with a red button. (hold it for about 5 sec.)
At once when you hear the startup chime, hold down the key-combo command(Apple key)+option+P+R, this resets the PRAM (parameter ram, sort of like NVRAM.) The Mac will re-boot (if you've done it right), then do it again several more times, I do 4 or 5 resets just to thorough.
Your G3 doesn't have flashable ROM, so don't worry about that.
You can run 10.3 on your G3, but you need Xpostfacto, download it here.
dan k
I've been trying to get 10.3 running on my G3 for a while now, and have been looking for XPF. Thx for the link
there is no firmware update for the beige g3.