Monitor and Chooser Control Panel Settings-Not Sticking

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Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 702
Monitor and Chooser Control Panel Settings-Not Sticking


I am using OS 9.2.2 and my iMac is loosing its "Chooser" and "Monitor" control panel settings.

Every time the Mac is shutdown the settings are lost. The monitor is at a different size and if I click print I get an error that either says "Print Error" or "No printer has been choosen...yadda yadda".

Once I reset the control panels it is fine until I restart. Is this a failing pram battery. I was under the impression the clock settings would be the first to go with a failing pram battery but my clock is fine.

Any info?



Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: Aug 15 2004 - 19:24
Posts: 359
Probably . . . but . . .


Yeah, those are symptoms but the clincher is whether your computer loses dated and time when unplugged. So pull the plug for a couple of minutes, reconnect, startup and see if you lose a couple of decades. If you don't, then your pram battery is fine and you need to trash the monitor prefs and the prefs known as AppleShare prefs. For the Mac to lose time with a dead pram battery, it needs to be unplugged. So . . . it could be something else.

Last seen: 15 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 14 2004 - 20:14
Posts: 122
It's Probably the Battery

Check this site for battery part numbers and sources. Mac PRAM, NVRAM, CUDA/PMU & Battery Tutorial

Cheers, Tom
Mac Troubleshooting, Maintenance & Tips

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Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 702
Re: Probably . . . but . . .


Yeah, those are symptoms but the clincher is whether your computer loses dated and time when unplugged. So pull the plug for a couple of minutes, reconnect, startup and see if you lose a couple of decades. If you don't, then your pram battery is fine and you need to trash the monitor prefs and the prefs known as AppleShare prefs. For the Mac to lose time with a dead pram battery, it needs to be unplugged. So . . . it could be something else.

You are right! I woke up this morning to Friday, 1/1/04!

Off to get a pram battery. THANKS GUYS!

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