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My mother sent this to me last week. She felt that I needed a little reassurance about things right now. I've sent it on to a few of my friends who, like myself, are college drop-outs and wonder just haw far we'd be if we had. And you know what? I've done an awful lot without a degree so far! At this point in my life, it'd just be a piece of paper. For too many, it's just a means to an end, a way to insure a higher income. For me, it'd be too late. But I'm doing better than I ever have (money isn't everything to me). There is a good message here...
Ol' Steve Jobs can be an arrogant pr%ck sometimes(?!?), but few will deny he's got something many other industry captains seem to lack - real heart. This speech reveals a real individual, driven by things other than complete slavish and blind attention to the financial bottom line.
Just confirms my own slavish and blind loyalty to all things Macintosh and Apple . . . and Steve . . .
dan k