This is not the new iteration of Apple Remote, but rather the original remote control that came with a small IR port that plugged into your ADB port.
I am trying to use one of these things on a PM 8600, but the device is not getting a signal. When I boot up, I do see a red LED flash once in the ir window, but nothing after that. I think I am just missing an extension or something. I tried googling, but all I find is stuff on the new remote.
Can anyone help me get this thing configured right?
I just found a tech article in the Apple archive. It says to ensure that the 'Video Startup' extension is present. It also says that if it is not, only the power button will work.
I will check for this extension tonight, but the power button does not work.
Have you tried opening apple video player and seeing if it works under that? I know that on my performa 640 with a remote it will not open up the video player software without specific extensions. Try reinstalling the os to see if it detects it?
I tried to use the remote within the Apple Video Player application.
Are there fresh batteries in the remote?
Have you got any Sony remotes in the house, or a universal? I control the TV (a 5260/100 w/ AVP in the Starup Folder) with a Zenith SP (1 TV) remote set for a Sony code. You could then rule out remote problems.
I tried fresh batteries to no avail.
I have a Sony Remote app for my Newton which I had previously tried out on some new TV's in a store. I tried to turn the AVP off with the Newton/Sony remote and nothing happened. I tried to turn off the AVP with the Apple Remote and fresh batteries, nothign happened.
Video Startup extension is enabled.
you know somthing i found a long time ago... i had a performa 6200 with IR in front. i also had a universal remote "one for all" or somthing like that.. before i programed anything into it, if i hit the power button my mac would turn on. if i programmed anything at all it no longer did that. just thought i would share my little experience....
I've never heard of an ADB remote sensor before. Do you have a pic of one or know where I can see one? Do they work on B&W's? Anyone know?
I just looked closer at my IR reciever (the one that plugs into the ADB port) and it is actually a ProPresenter Model:MAC-URC.
The person I bought this off of (can't remember who) had this working with the remote, but I am unaware of what 'other' steps needed to happen in order for it to work.