DoctorMemory's blog

Ping pang!

Another really beautiful day. I appreciate days like this, not only because of the beautiful spring weather, but to reflect on how many really cool and great people I know. I've met a lot of people this year, and most of them have been really awesome friends. I understand them just as well as they do me (or so I think) and I'm more or less accepted for who I am, just as I accept them for being who they are. It also helps that most of them can drive.

Sundays I hate, but food, I love

Easter! My aunt and uncle came up who I never see, along with my grandmother, and we all went to some fantsy pantsy buffet where I gorged myself, and felt sick. Now I'm back here after a nap, looking at homework galore. Not really, actually. I ahve to do some silly little 3 point outling for science, MEH notes (last set everrrr!) and I ought to study for the math test I have tomorrow, seeing as I'd like to make honor roll for the entire year (first three quarters have been damn fine), and I find that doing well on tests does a lot to help one's grades.

It's really nice outside!

Wow, it is a really beautiful day out. I even got to eat lunch outside for the first time in a while, which is always a plus. It's such a drag to have to sit inside that school place which is packed with noisy people. I'd rahter sit outside with a few good friends and enjoy the pleasant weather. Which I did!


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