DoctorMemory's blog

I'm happy because I ate potato Salad!

Which I like. However, I'm still feeling kinda glum because I don't know whay. Maybe I still feel like people don't really take me seriously, and think I'm kind of a joke. I know I'm probably wrong, but I have that lurking feeling sometimes. That, and I don't feel good about accusing my friends about stupid things like that.

My shitty day **emo time!**

I know that this will evict a good deal of angry commentia from my friends (all of which are the best on earth, and I could never ask for better), but I'm going to go on and on about why I should be ptied because my life sucks.

Vacation is still technically going on, but...

...For most of us, it's pretty much over. In half an hour it will be 12, thusly, I'll have 12 hours of vacation left. Most of that I'll spend asleep, but for my waking hours, I've got homework to worry about. The Great gatsby is out of the way, and it diodn't suck TOO much, and the jazz album I had to listen to got taken care of a while ago, but I have a 6 page long science essay to do, which blows total chunckage. Munsen did his paper on the same thing (ergotism - it was something that was and is a natural precursor to LSD. DON'T DO IT! there are no resources on it!) in like an hour, which is good. Mrs. G is a science teacher, not an english teacher, so hopefully that'll do me some good.


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