A few months back I solicited for and did recieve a SE network card. Whe it came I seperated it from the packing materials and put it aside for later (waiting on the right time). Well, this past weekend, I [u]finally[/u] was ready to install it, and guess what...
The card goes to an SE/30, not a reulgar SE.
It is not a total wash since I can use this card in my IIsi and remove the NuBus adapter and NuBus NIC from that machine, but I am still in need of a NIC for an original SE.
I cannot recall who I got it from but am sure it was an honest mistake/miscommunication, but if anyone out there can help, let me know. I do recall that whoever I did get it from mentioned having several NIC for these types of machines. I will try to dig through old emails later tonight, but if you are reading this, PM and let me know.
The NIC will go in both the IIsi and the SE/30 . . . BUT . . . the IIsi has an FPU and the SE/30 doesn't. So it was built into the NIC to work in the SE/30. Needs to be popped out -- if it isn't already -- to work in the IIsi. If you do it carefully, it will be replaceable.
Just for clarification, William is mostly right, but it's the IIsi that doesn't have the FPU, and SE/30 does.
You can usuualy take the FPU and stick it in an LC* of the same speed and get two upgrades in one.
Whatever. One of them does, one of them doesn't. If it works, it does, if it doesn't, it doesn't. Then pop the thing. Like I said, or didn't, it's been a while. Sorry. I try to be helpful, it's just that all that vintage stuff is all rear-view mirror these day. I'll be quiet from now on. I swear.
I have the SE version, complete in the box instant message me if you want to buy it.
Thanks for the good info guys. I appreciate any help and even if the answer is close-but-off a little, it is better than nothing. I had not even though about the FPU as being a factor, so I learned something. Always speak up, at worst, you will be stronger for having been made right.
No ill intent, keep the line open William!
I was just correting a detail.
Never suspected ill intent. I misremembered something that I should have checked before posting. That's what these forums are for: to scrub advice before someone takes it at face value and blows something up. I have no problem being corrected when I'm wrong.
Being "corrected" can be fun!
"Thank you mistress, may I have another?"
...but I digress...
I'm reminded of our unofficial board mistress Alizee...
I need an ethernet card for my IIsi. I'm kicking myself for not buying one when it showed up on overstock.com. So, if you'd like to keep your NuBus stuff and sell the PDS NIC, I'm buying. Or I'll trade you one of my spare working IIsi for it.
I could pull the riser and NIC from my IIsi and replace them with the NIC I got for my SE (as it was actually for a SE/30). If everything works well (as far as the FPU thing goes and all), then I can trade that off to you. I will need a day or two to check this out since my workbench is being used for my new hard drive bracket for my Quadra 950.
I am currently looking for the following items {url]http://www.applefritter.com/node/5359#comment-11077[/url].
I have some 80 to 68 pin adapters if you'd like to trade some for the NIC. I bought them for the purpose of using SCA hard disks on a 68-pin or 50-pin scsi cable. Is that what you're looking for?
Sent you PM...
I have new Asante cards for the IIsi and SE/30 for sale, and various used cards for the SE, the LC PDS slot, and Comm Slot 1. Contact me by email, bkatt at cfl dot rr dot com.