What to do with tht A/V ports...

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doug-doug the mighty's picture
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What to do with tht A/V ports...

I have a few 8600 PMs about. They are upgraded to G3 500 MHz. I have these A/V ports on the back. Of course, wher there is a plug, there is something waiting and wanting to be plugged into it. I even have one or two of those funky adaapter plugs that go into the input above the S-Video (the one with the picture of the camera and an "s" inside of it).

As luck would have it, I have a VCR, a DVD Player, a Laser Disc Player, and a camcorder.

I also have OS installs for most releases of 8 and 9, with a couple of third-party apps thrown in the mix (although I could download some specific app if I knew what to look for).

So the question is, for any of the above listed components, what must I do to utilize the ports on my Mac and which software applicatiom/utility would be best suited for the case. Not that I plan to hook them all up at once, but if a possibility enters you mind where I could hook the VCR and DVD player up at the same time, please share.

Thanks for the ideas.

eeun's picture
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I've played around with BTV, and the Pro version looks really interesting - allowing stop-motion and time-lapse capture from any input source.

There are switch boxes available for RCA jacks, if needed (or you can build one), but does either your VCR or DVD have s-video out? One appliance could use the s-video, and the other, the RCA video-in.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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AV ports limitations

I've not investigated it very deeply, but I believe that those ports are only useable if your video out is through the onboard video port, which is why the 9600 does not have the AV ports since it requires a third-party video card for video. If this is true, then you are limited to the 4mb VRAM max of the 8600 and it's now-primitive video chipset. I would be interested if anyone knows that this is not true. I've used Apple's Video Player to watch TV via a VCR and input other video using those ports, and the performance is adequate, but with the onboard video limitations, it's far from stellar. I've heard that people have problems with that program in OS 9 though, especially with audio.

astro_rob's picture
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Why, Video Astronomy, Of Course!

At this time I have three Mac AV units; a PPC 6100/60AV, Centris 660AV and Quadra 660AV. I've used the Centris for a long time for video astronomy. It's actually a lot of fun, and while not as sophisticated as true CCD astronomy, it has the benefit of both being far cheaper and much easier.


madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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yea all those ports is for .t

yea all those ports is for .the audio and video and svideo output is for you to hook it to a tv you enable video mirroring and choose rca out in the sound in the control strip.now the audio video and svideo input is for you to capture aduio and video just download BTV PRO and try it i hooked a xbox and a dreamcast up to mine and can use it as another monitor or i can capture video and audio off it. i can encode in divx useing btv pro if you got the right codec

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I am so jealous!

I am so jealous of you DDTM. I'm not being sarcastic either; I've been wanting to get my hands on an AV Mac for what seems like an eternity. I almost scored an 8500AV not too long ago but it was munged before I could make the pickup.

I'd love to have an AV machine to use as a monitor for some of my older 8-bit machines (Atari 800XLs & Apple II Pluses (soon to be Apple IIplus Crate)). Not that I would limit the AV Mac to that task exclusively, but it would free up some desk space. Wink

astro_rob's picture
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Wanna Quadra 660 AV?

Hey MR,
You want Quadra 660AV? I have a spare; just cost you shipping. Whaddya say?

Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 595
Re: Wanna Quadra 660 AV?

Hey MR,
You want Quadra 660AV? I have a spare; just cost you shipping. Whaddya say?

Give me a week to consider -- I'll get back to you by PM.



madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 664
yea i was given 2 power macin

yea i was given 2 power macintosh G3 AIO's with the a/v personality wings card in them they are G3 266mhz i use one and the other is a test comp to test settings and stuff out and for parts just in case somthing in my main mac goes poof

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