Powerbook G3 with the rainbow coloured apple, 1st genertation?

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Powerbook G3 with the rainbow coloured apple, 1st genertation?

Apart from the annoying situation that this machine won't run OSX, and the orgional power supply had to be replaced due to firew hazards, it's dead.
When I plug in the power supply the fan whirls and the green LED lights briefly, then nothing. The reset yeilds a brief LED flicker and then nothing. The hard drive almost died on me before but a friend managed to fix it for me, but this time it seems hopeless. Has anyone else experienced this and perhaps has a solution? I guess it's the power supply, in which case I'll have to buy me one of those special apple screwdrives and do a bit of measuring around..hmm

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Wrong Forum.... But I beli

Wrong Forum....

But I believe the Power Books with The Original Apple wewe 68K or Early PPC types so No OS X

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sorry :p. I realised after I posted...

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PRAM battery

First thing with these is to ensure the PRAM battery is charged. Leave it plugged in for a couple of days to charge the PRAM, then give it a try.

dan k

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PowerBook G3's did have the striped logo

As we all know, there were many PowerBook G3's (Kanga, Wall Street, Lombard, and Pismo). Of those series, the Kanga and Wall Street still had a striped logo. In the case of the Wall Street, the rainbow striped logo was on the lower potion of the display, while it had a solid white logo on the back of the case. The Kanga, essentially a modified 3400 with a G3, had the striped Apple logo both on the front display bezel and on the back of the case. As for running OS X, the Kanga, while not officially supported, can run OS X via Xpostfacto available from OWC. Of all the PowerBook G3's, the Kanga is the only one that I have not come into contact with during my tour of duty as an ACPT/ACDT. Though, I've owned at least one of each of the other series.

- iantm

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It really sounds like he's ta

It really sounds like he's talking about the Wallstreet variant.

*Dr. Bob suppresses overwhelming urge to smack iantm for using the work "Lombard"*

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Re: It really sounds like he's ta

*Dr. Bob suppresses overwhelming urge to smack iantm for using the work "Lombard"*


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Sorry dr. bob

Dr. Bob, I used the term Lombard due to the fact that it's the name many of us know it as. I realize now that 101 would have been a more appropriate phrase to use.

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I believe it's the wallstreet.
I'l try leaving it plugged in for a while. I have reset and zapped the PRAM several times, but to no avail, Actually I was thinking that I over zapped it somehow. From what I remember it started from not being able to charge the battery. The battery is still dead but this model can still opertate without the battery, it was designed to be used with both the floppy and CD drive inserted if I remember rightly (actually it's a Japanese model so all guides and the whole OS is in japanese, makes it more of a challenge!).
Is there no way of getting OSX to work on a wallstreet? maybe via PC emulation when they desert to the intel side of the OS....
I remember that the shop from which I bought OS X for this machine didn't belive me when I took it back and said that it didn't work with my model, it seems in Japan there is no official refund system, all at the discretion of the owner, but I managed to negotiate.
It'd be nice if i could get his box alive again, apart from the screen blur when playing games, and it weighs a ton, it's a nice box.

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Remove the PRAM battery?

On some of the older PowerBooks, I've had some luck with completely removing the PRAM battery. Sure, it "forgets" the time and date when not plugged in, but you MIGHT at least be able to boot it up.

Please note: I'm talking about the small, internal PRAM battery, with the wire(s) coming off one end; not the main system battery. You'll have to pull out your T8 screwdriver and exercise some patience to get the PRAM battery out.

Might work, might not. But at least you'll have eliminated one possible source of the problem.

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If memory serves me right I t

If memory serves me right I think you can pop out the optical drive and unplug and possible change the PRAM battery pack, but it's sure been a long time. I've seen this problem before, but I'm banging my head on the table trying to remember what i did to fix it.

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Try removing the rechargable battery.

Remove the rechargable battery completely and try powering-up with only the AC adapter. I have a Powerbook 150 that won't start-up unless the rechargable battery is removed from it's bay. Can't say that's the only problem, but it's worth a try.

Not sure if my rechargable battery on the PB150 has cycled its last recharge, or if there is something else at fault. It may very well be a bad PRAM battery that creates this situation and compromises the start-up with the recahrgable battery installed.

tony b.

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So that's the name of the driver, yes i must buy one as I've almost blunted the screw tops trying to use similar shaped drivers, oh those non standards screws, how I hate them.

I tried to power it up with all combos of things in the docks, but to no avail. I am on day two of the three day charge, I will see what happens then. If nothing then I wll have to go to the elec shop and get a T8.

I hope the head banging yields a memory response, I also try that method with my machines but it tends to break them....I am no longer allowed near game consoles...

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Re: wallstreet.

Is there no way of getting OSX to work on a wallstreet? ... I remember that the shop from which I bought OS X

You need an older version of OS X. The Wallstreet is supported up to 10.2 only.

I've had some luck with completely removing the PRAM battery. Sure, it "forgets" the time and date when not plugged in

Most of my Macs have an alias of the Date & Time control panel in their Startup Items folder. Sometimes it's hard to justify a $10 battery for a $5 computer.

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You can get an entire set of

You can get an entire set of Torx bits very reasonably. I've picked up a set of security Torx, which have a hole in the center of the bit for a security post to stick through, in sizes of about T5.5 to T45 for about $10-15USD. Of course at a certain point they don't have a security hole cause they get too small. With a set like that, you can open any regular Torx screw, and the security kind. Oh, and Torx is a standard, even my old Amiga 500s used them. Heck, even the construction screws we use now are T20 and T25. They drive in WAY better than Phillips without all the keep-it-at-the-perfect-angle-to-prevent-skipping and stripping the heads. Using a proper sized Torx driver is much better than Phillips in almost all cases I've seen. Wink

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Re: wallstreet.

You need an older version of OS X. The Wallstreet is supported up to 10.2 only.

If I remember rightly I did use one of the 1st versions of OSX, but something about the 1st generation of black powerbooks won't work, I think it was something to do with the graphics card, though i am not sure.
I had a hell of a time as I had 8.something and I needed 8.5 to upprade to 9.2, but I couldn't buy 8.5 for love nor money, nor download the uprgadrade. Eventualy I found someone with a copy, but it was about three years ago now, memory fails.

Torx hmm, it's been a while since I've opened my toolkit, DIY is only just catching on here, much cheaper to buy new things, and there's not much money in selling stuff used shops. Though the hobbyists border on fanaticism.

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