"RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to type it?

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IIeBoy's picture
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"RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to type it?

Can anyone help me remember an Apple //e disk that would load to a command prompt, then you would type:

] RUN A1

It would then load a list of programs/games, where you could hit a number to load the corresponding program.

It could've just been a generic loader (maybe a popular one?), or maybe I even programmed it myself, in which case you won't remember it Wink

BillO's picture
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

Should be a snap to write something like that in BASIC.

I don't currently have access to my Apple disks, but I have a few different 'HELLO' programs that list what is on the disk and lets you load and run by various means (select by number, by cursor, etc...). I won't be back for 4 weeks, so I hope someone can help out.

IIeBoy's picture
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

Thanks, that sounds like the sort of thing. I'm just interested to see if anyone remembers the actual "A1" program from yesteryear Smile

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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

Yeah... I think that was a fairly common boot loader with some hacked games in the 80's... let me look

Check this out... sorry about formatting... but you can have it all together in a few minutes!

62500 D$ = CHR$ (4)
62502 PRINT ""
62505 TEXT : HOME : NORMAL : PRINT D$;"CATALOG":B = PEEK (27) - 2: IF B > 22 THEN B = 22
62510 T = 0:CH = 4: FOR CV = 0 TO 23: GOSUB 62640: IF C < > 160 THEN POKE P - 1,219: POKE P,T + 193: POKE P + 1,221:T = T + 1:S = CV
62530 B$ = "RUN": HTAB 1: PRINT LEFT$ (A$,39);:A$ = MID$ (A$,2) + LEFT$ (A$,1):K = PEEK ( - 16384): IF K < 128 THEN FOR K = 1 TO 75: NEXT K:K = FRE (0): GOTO 62530
62540 POKE - 16368,0:K = K - 176: IF K < 1 OR K > 5 THEN 62610
62550 HTAB 1: CALL - 868: IF K = 5 THEN END
62570 IF K = 2 THEN B$ = "LOCK"
62580 IF K = 3 THEN B$ = "UNLOCK"
62590 IF K = 4 THEN B$ = "DELETE": FLASH
62600 PRINT B$;: CALL - 198: NORMAL : GET K$:K = ASC (K$) - 48
62610 IF K < 17 OR K > T + 16 THEN 62530
62620 CH = 1:CV = S - T + K - 16: GOSUB 62640: IF C = 194 AND (B$ = "RUN" OR B$ = "LOAD") THEN B$ = "B" + B$
62630 FOR CH = 6 TO 39: GOSUB 62640:B$ = B$ + CHR$ (C): NEXT CH: HTAB 1: CALL - 868: PRINT B$: PRINT D$;B$: GOTO 62500
62640 CV=CV/8: C1 = INT CV:C2 = CV - C1 * 8:P = 1024 + 128 * C2 + 40 * C1 + CH:C = PEEK (P): RETURN

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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

I found it on the Choplifter disk... I hope its what your after!

IIeBoy's picture
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

Thanks a lot! Now excuse my oldie newbieness, but this is all very foggy to me.

I have ADTPro. What's the best/easiest way to get this back onto the //e, other than typing it in manually? If it's on Choplifter, presumably I could just copy that .dsk file to a blank floppy via serial? If so a link to the version of Choplifter you found with the loader on it would be most appreciated!

I wish I could remember what games were actually on the disks I used that loader with. I know Choplifter was one now Wink If anyone finds any others please post here Biggrin

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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

Here is an improved line 62640:
62640 C1 = INT (CV / 8):C2 = CV - C1 * 8:P = 1024 + 128 * C2 + 40 * C1 + CH:C = PEEK (P): RETURN


From now on, let's just use the shorthand "it's on Asimov" and you'll know what we mean. Wink It will be important for most any question starting with "do you know where I can find..."

speedyG's picture
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

If seeking for that kind of hello program
( and that is not limited to the disk of choplifter )
you´d be better by searching for the Utility City Disk from Beagle Brothers at:
and after extraction of the zip-disk to diskimage on the disk the File "Key Cat"
look at description file for explenation
they published similar variations of hello programs.....
like the enhanced version from "Tip Disk 1"
so i´d recommend also to read the manuals / descriptions of the disks also availiable at that site....


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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

That line modification was from me... the first time I posted it, it turned part of it into a smiley face... and the formatting was screwed up. I didn't know how to change it so I changed the line, fixed the formatting and reposted it... glad it worked for you!

IIeBoy's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

From now on, let's just use the shorthand "it's on Asimov" and you'll know what we mean. Wink It will be important for most any question starting with "do you know where I can find..."

Thanks David for the file. And yes, shorthand agreed. Smile

IIeBoy's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

If seeking for that kind of hello program you´d be better by searching for the Utility City Disk from Beagle Brothers at:

Very interesting, thank you!

IIeBoy's picture
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Re: "RUN A1": What was the Apple //e loader where you had to ...

So, having played with Choplifter, and Utility City, they're certainly the "type" of program I was looking for, but I'm going to refine my original request. I'd really love to track down the actual disk image I was using back then, where you had to type RUN A1, as opposed to RUN KEY-CAT or RUN HELLO, etc.

I realize it's a long shot, but if anyone has any recollection, this is the place to say so! Smile

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