Has anyone actually seen any format of the "Premium SoftCard Ile System Programmer's Manual" ? I found it being reference in an old Info World magazine article. The buyer of the Softcard was to send in the registration card, and Microsoft would send them this infamous fourth manual. I've searched several online sources, and haven't had any good luck.
Have you tried contacting Microsoft?
I suspect that it would be difficult to find many people at Microsoft who even know what a SoftCard is. Probably few that have ever even used a //e for that matter... It has probably been at least 25 years since Microsoft made anything for an Apple II...
...never say die ;-) The way to know for sure is to ask.
I say this from personal experience in a similar situation of something no longer made by a big outfit (that still exists) and doubting they could help.
I was able to get a scanned copy of the manual from a fellow A2 hobbiest!
Thanks for sharing! Most appreciated.
Thank you for sharing! This gives me reason to use the clone card from GGLabs, and having the written documentation is always great for this era of stuff.
Thank you! As for previous post questions, I did not attempt to reach out to Microsoft.