Apple IIc ADTPro Floppy Formatting Error "2D"

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Apple IIc ADTPro Floppy Formatting Error "2D"

Hello, I just got my IIc working and tried using ADTPro to copy some games to floppy disks. When I try to format a 5.25" disk with ADTPro I get an error message that reads "Unrecognized error = 2D". I'm using a two sided, double density disk. Does anyone here have any idea what this error means, or what could be wrong? Thanks!

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I can't tell you off-hand why

I can't tell you off-hand why this is happening, but I can point to the section of code producing the error in case someone more familiar with Disk II I/O wants to have a look at it. It's lines 575 to 610 of prodos/format.asm, which has messages for "DriveOpen" (codes $27 and $28), "DiskError" (code $2F) and "Protected" (code $2B). I had a look at the source code that calls this, but didn't find anything obviously creating a $2D error code.

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Sometimes I do believe that

Sometimes I do believe that Google or the Internet must be down... because of such posting :-)


Error List:


What happens when you try to format the disk using DOS / PRODOS but not ADTPRO?

Did you get the same error?



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ATDPro vs. GS/OS Error Numbers

Why do you believe that error numbers in that very GS-oriented error list would be the same as ADTPro?

If the OP is using a SmartPort drive, it's concievable that there might be some correlation, but since he mentioned a 5.25" drive on an Apple IIc, I'd guessed he was using the internal drive. (I don't even know if they made SmartPort 5.25" drives.)

The error codes on that list don't really match the ones I quoted from the source, and also keep in mind that the format routine in ADT is not Apple code; it was independently written.

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I was able to format the disk

I was able to format the disk using CopyIIplus. After that. now formating the disk again with ADTPro works just fine. The disks I'm trying to format are all brand new Verbatim DataLife Double-sided/Double-density. I'm not sure why ADTPro is not able to format them without formating them with CopyIIplus first, but at least now I can continue copying some games to disks. Thanks

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Don't get me wrong... but starting with an approach like "but I can point to the section of code producing the error in case someone more familiar with Disk II I/O wants to have a look at it. It's lines 575 to 610 of prodos/format.asm, which has messages for "DriveOpen" (codes $27 and $28), "DiskError" (code $2F) and "Protected" (code $2B). I had a look at the source code that calls this, but didn't find anything obviously creating a $2D error code."


isn't very usefull, and there is also no $2D error  in. 


Because the code is available a couple of years, why do you believe there is something wrong. I do believe , due to the age of the hardware... such errors are more common, then any software issue as stated by you.


So you didn't state to get some more infomation's first...

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Debugging mysterious error codes

Let's start by fixing an important misunderstanding:

tokabln wrote:

Because the code is available a couple of years, why do you believe there is something wrong. I do believe , due to the age of the hardware... such errors are more common, then any software issue as stated by you.

I'm sorry it wasn't clear, but I did not say that there were any issues in the software. When I talked about "the code producing the error," I meant not that the code itself has a bug, but that the code was indicating (eventually by printing a message) that an error had occurred somewhere else. I agree that it was probably a hardware problem of some sort.

Now on to the rest:

Don't get me wrong... but starting with an approach like "but I can point to the section of code producing the error....isn't very usefull

Well, I think I am "getting you wrong" here, because I have extensive experience debugging these kinds of errors and what I posted is exactly the sort of information I find useful. What you saw, in fact, were the first steps of a good process to find out what this error is.

When you get a mysterious "error #nnn" message, unless you're already pretty intimately familiar with the code, the only truly reliable way to figure out what it means is to go back to the code and see what's generating that message. That kind of tracing back takes time: it took me about twenty minutes to find the source and then find the file in the source containing the code that generates that error.

I tried to go a little further and decided that I had more important (to me, not the OP) things to do, but if my work there saves someone else that initial twenty minutes, the OP is more likely to get a response explaining what's wrong.

At any rate going to the source code of the program actually being used is more likely to be useful than going to an error message list for a completely different software package.

...and there is also no $2D error in.

That code clearly generates a $2D error because we've seen it do so.

No, that code does not explicitly mention the $2D error. That's not surprising: it's even expected, since the code printed out "$2D" instead of an error message explaining what went wrong.

So the way to figure out the actual error is to trace back through the code and see what routines came up with the $2D value and why they would do that. I did part of that work, and posted about it. That's work that can be reused, rather than tediously done again, by anybody else who wants to carry on with debugging this. I find it somewhat offensive that you would deride this as "useless."

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Last seen: 4 days 7 hours ago
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Okay... different approaches.

Okay... different approaches...


But as always... the most important thing (from my point of view) is, to get as much information first.

What works, what not?

What has been done in between?

Has someone tried different approaches already and if, what?


otherwise such threads are turning around and around whithout any success, often seen here.

Often people came up with messages like... "It doesn't work anymore what could it be".

The answer in such case is 42.


We also need to think about, that we are talking about old machines... so a HW issue is more feasible then a software error. But as said... different approaches.



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