Finding a new home for my childhood Apple hardware

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Joined: Dec 22 2021 - 18:31
Posts: 2
Finding a new home for my childhood Apple hardware

Hi all!  Stumbled on this forum today as I was looking up some info on the Apple II parts I need to get rid of.  My dad got into Apple II hardware early and collected a bit.  He built everything from parts so there was a lot lying around. I built myself a system from pieces parts of what was lying around about 1984.  Jump forward about 35 years and it's time for these parts to go to a new home.  I'm glad to see this forum as I'd rather them go to someone who's interested rather than the new home being a landfill.  All the parts were working at last check about 1987 but haven't been booted since. :)  Make me any offer but I won't ship for free :)  Shipping is from Oregon, USA


First is a Unitron Apple II+ mothboard clone.  As you can see, the stickers covering the EPROM windows have largly fallen off so I have no idea if the programming is still good or not.  It's also missing the one RAM chip where the 16k upgrade was plugged in.


Homebrew Floppy interface card


Hayes Micromodem II including card, cable, and Microcoupler so you can relive those 300baud days!!


Rom cards.  One Rev 600, two rev 670.  One is loaded with Integer basic and one is floating point basic.  I'm not sure about the third :)


Finally, I have 4x Mitac floppy drives.  

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Joined: Dec 19 2008 - 21:01
Posts: 424
I PM'd you. 

I PM'd you.


Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 22 2021 - 18:31
Posts: 2
The Unitron motherboard,

The Unitron motherboard, Floppy controller, and Integer ROM card (600-) have been spoken for.

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