How to view an Apple III file

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Joined: Dec 21 2013 - 20:49
Posts: 120
How to view an Apple III file

I noticed that the Apple III Fortran disk has a file named READ.ME.FIRST that is an ASCII file. I tried to view it by loading it into the Apple III Pascal Editor, but when I tried to use the Apple III Pascal Filer Get command to load the file I get an message stating 'No File loaded'. How does one view an ASCII file in Apple III SOS?

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Text files

The pascal editor / filer wants text files to end with .text; did you try to open <full path to file>/  (note the trailing period)


I don't have a good test case handy, but I tried using the Sys Utils to "copy" a text file to ".console". It sort of worked (but I don't know if the file I picked was pure text), and it scrolls by pretty quickly.  Of course if you already have a .dsk or similar file on a PC, Cider Press can read it very easily.


Last seen: 1 hour 6 min ago
Joined: Dec 21 2013 - 20:49
Posts: 120
I viewed the file with Apple Writer III

I was able to view the READ.ME.FIRST file with Apple Writer III application. The file had information about the files that were on the WAP Apple III Fortran disk. It also had information about which WAP disks had the Apple III Fortran manual. Unfortunately, not any information about updating the Apple III Pascal disks to use Apple III Fortran. I have not tried using the Apple Pascal Filer Get command with a period at the name of the file name to load the file for the editor. 

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