I'm starting to thin out the herd a bit and have been going through some boxes of computer items and I found a card that was in slot 3 of my IIe when I purchased it and I never could figure out what exactly the card is for. I've tried looking around online and the most similar thing I could find to it was a disk controller card but I don't think that's what this is. A search of the info on the sticker didn't turn anything up either. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
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Is the firmware EPROM readable? Have you read the first bytes, especially $Cx05, $Cx07, $Cx0B and $Cx0C?
My first thought was: it's a printer card for a Centronics-like port.
How would I go about finding that info? I'm not that far into the coding world yet.
I've got a feeling it could be a printer card of some sort given that my IIe was a seceratary computer at a veterinary clinic. It would make sense that a printer would be hooked up to it.
It is a PKASO card, a parallel printer card with graphics code in that EPROM. EP-12 80/100 would suggest it is probably the version for Epson MX or FX 80 or 100 printers.
You will need a cable that goes from the IDC-20 connector to a Centronics style connector for the printer.
Well then, mystery solved! Thanks for the info!