I was not sure whether this should be placed in the Apple I Forum, or the Apple II Forum, but I decided it was a toss-up, so I placed it here:
A "Retrograded Apple IIe. Now (Supposedly) an Apple I.
Let the fun begin...
really cute !
i like the statement:
"- Authentic retro looks and feel."....
i guess the seller never had been closer than 1 meter away from an apple I and only viewed it through the show-case-glas .....
and its a pitty that the zoom does not permit to see if the board has been really downgraded at the RAM-chips also from 4164 back down to 4116 chips....
at least its a cute idea how to recycle IIe´s....
Spiff'n'buff them //e units to make a profit somehow.
Sad thing is some flunky will buy this!
It is an Apple IIe equipped with one of my Brain Boards.
The seller is right though. If you bought a replica-1, ACI, power supply, and keyboard you'd be well over the cost of this. Not even counting the lack of case. If you want to get into retro computing, it's a nice way to start learning.
cool. This is too much for an apple //e though, even with a brainboard.
Not sure about it being overpriced. You have a IIe which has been "retr0brighted" which takes some time, is tested to work and an assembled brain board. Can you find a clean IIe and do all that for less than $250. Tested and working adds a lot to a price over a fix me up.
Question is will it sell?
Watching ePay auctions is more exciting than Monday Night Football!