The audio isn't great because of the background noise, but I hope you guys enjoy.
The close ups and some fun facts are near the end of the video when the demo is over and I'm just talking to a few people. See if you can spot the second original Apple-1 before I point it out. And see if you can tell which brand replica blank board I was using for comparison.
Btw. Did about 3 demos a day for over 30 minutes each for both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, by the time someone recorded the video my voice was giving out.
I hope you guys enjoy it.
I enjoyed every minute of it.
I noticed, as you were starting to load the StarTrek
program, that there was a grey haired bearded gentleman
behind and to the left of you.
I know that I have seen his picture before.
Can you tell me who it is?
Thanks and again Great Demo!
That's Mike Loewen.
Thanks for the name and Link.
He has a hell of a web page. lol