I just wanna say thanks...

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gobabushka's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: Apr 26 2004 - 16:30
Posts: 495
I just wanna say thanks...

You know, i've been comming here for a while, and i've never had the chance to thank all of you for all of the good advice you've all given me over time. I mean from how to fix my beloved pismo to how to get a girl, and then how to forget her. This site and its people are just some of the best bunch of people around. Together we've all fixed a lot of mac and ipod problems, and not to mention a bunch of problems that were not so mac oriented. We've all also gone through some rough times, such as the site being hacked, or what happened to Word03. There are also a bunch of good stories and moments that were funny or sad. My favorite part about this site is the fact is that everyone is there to help everyone else.

What i'm saying is thanks for all of the help and advice. Its really been helpful and useful. I've been able to fix a bunch of mac and non mac problems thanks to all of you wonderful people. I also look foreward to the advice and funny stories in the future.

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 28 2005 - 17:56
Posts: 170
this was a paid testamonial b

this was a paid testamonial brought to you by Tom Owad... err.. no

but I understand... hear hear

gobabushka's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: Apr 26 2004 - 16:30
Posts: 495
uh....no. It was a very heart

uh....no. It was a very heartfelt thank you to everybody for all of their help. I just wanted to tell everyone that their advice has gone to some use.


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