I am using PPP with TCP/IP in system 7.5.5 and I can't get my modem to dial out.
I get the following error:
"The connection attempt failed: The port may already be in use by another application.
Check for other uses of the port, like an extension that receives faxes or a communications program. Also check the AppleTalk control panel to see if AppleTalk is set to use the same port being used by the Modem control panel."
I can't figure out the problem. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
The 540c has a shared Printer/Modem 8-pin serial port behind. If you wish to set the internal modem (not a PCMCIA modem?) in Apple::Control Panels::AppleTalk, but another application (eg, a fax program, as in the advisory window that you quote above) has commandeered the port at startup, you will not be able to select it for PPP unless you have already set another TCP/IP configuration (which works hand-in-hand with AppleTalk).
Check that no serial port-grabbing application is set (in Startup Items, or in its own Preferences) to open at startup. What does TCP/IP Control Panel tell you about its present configuration? If the phone line is not connected before startup, or if there is no internal modem, TCP/IP may fail to accept PPP in Connect via:. When you elect to save your TCP/IP settings at closure, they are saved in the default Configuration (command-k to open the panel). It is worthwhile to look at this panel to ensure that the default is not already set with some other configuration from the past, which also may be commandeering the serial port.
You also need to configure Remote Access, with your ISP's phone number, your User Name and your password. You may already be familiar with this part of the process. Post again if you have no joy in defeating competing apps or old TCP/IP configurations. Have you installed Open Transport 1.1.1 and 1.1.2? They are downloadable.
I believe I have a global fax internal modem. I don't know which model or speed (how do I find out?). I know that the modem is working because it was working when I was running system 8. I formatted the drive and installed Sys 7.5.5 and I no longer can get it to dial out. I tried everything you said to no avail.
I have Open Transport 1.1.1 installed and my ISP settings are correct as well as my user name and password.
Thanks for your help.