Closet Cleaning Again

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Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: May 29 2005 - 22:35
Posts: 284
Closet Cleaning Again

More stuff from outta the closet,

1. 4 of the iMac 333MHz cpu's for the trayload iMac. You want to speed up that 233 or 266, run OS X a littler quicker. These are cheap, Guarrenteed NO DOA and are known to be working, one even has 64megs of ram on it.
$12.50 each shipped from 76086 or all 4 for $40.00 shipped from 76086.

2. 4 of the 540c Powerbooks. all working with good LCDs. These might make good picture frames, they have 250meg hd, 20megs ram, floppy drive and come with the AC adaptor and guarrenteed NO DOA
$25.00 each shipped from 76086

3. A good working powerbook 190c. A nice LCD, comes with floppy drive and either a 750 or 500meg hard drive (I haven't fired it up in a while). It has no battery but comes with a ac adaptor. It is guarrenteed NO DOA.
$25.00 shipped from 76086

4. 5 Gossamer Logicboards (Beige G3s) still in antistatic bags these are either new or refurbs. I can't tell they look very new to me. All have been powered up using a 300MHz zif CPU, 64megs ram and the wisper sound card. All powered up to the flashing ? mark as I had not hooked up any drives. So these are known to power up
$10.00 each plus shipping from 76086. If you want a 300MHz CPU W/jumper block with the logicboard its $15.00 plus shipping from 76086 and of course guarrenteed NO DOA

5. 15 4gig IDE hard drives. all have been powered up and checked on a B&W G3. Some have an OS on them and those booted right up, most have no OS and you get the folder with the flashing ? mark. These are good quiet running drives (No Howlers) and they were pulls from working machines. $4.00 each plus shipping from 76086. Buy more than one and get combined shipping and these are guarrenteed NO DOA

6. 1 B&W G3 logicboard (Rev 2). A good working board checked with a 400MHz CPU. The machine booted right up all the drives worked ok. however as the case looks as though its had a very hard life (plastics broken, handels gone) its being parted out.
$15.00 plus shipping from 76086. does not include CPU or memory. it is of course guarrenteed NO DOA

7. A very nice 8500/120 with a Newer Tech 275/183 CPU upgrade, 256megs ram, 12X Cd-Rom, ATI video card, The AV hardware a 4gig hard drive and OS 9.1. This is a nice machine that works very well with the Newer Tech CPU. It has one small cosmetic problem. The case CD-Rom cover is broken. It is currently held on with clear scotch tape and it does not interfear with the CD-Rom tray opening or closing. This machine is guarrenteed NO DOA.
$35.00 plus shipping from 76086, Shipping is $35.00 via USPS parcel post with delivery conformation

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