Hi if you havent seen these systems yet than you have no idea what i'm talking about but I have both
a ds and I just got my PSP and I love it the games are cooler (To me at least) and It is upgradeable
(the ds is not) and it dose more (dvd like movies and lord of war ) but I wnated to know what you all think
BTW: the eleton zone show in gta is funny lol
Better games as you said, but if DS ever released a web browser I would buy it instantly. The browser on the PSP is a POS.
Well, I have both a Nintendo DS and a PSP right now, and they're hard to compare. I do not like any of the games on the PSP; I don't like the GTA series or any of the PS1 remakes. The homebrew games, on the other hand, are very nice. noiz2sa is an addictive vertical shooter, and having emulation on demand is great. The new PSP firmwares prevent homebrew games from being run, though, so that kills the PSP to me. I just bought a new Nintendo DS Lite, and the new hardware design makes it just as easy to carry and just as attractive as the PSP. I've bought 12 DS games so far, and I like the innovation that the touch screen brings. The ability to play the older Game Boy Advance games is a big deal for me because I'm a fan of Final Fantasy. The DS can't be used for movies, mp3s, or homebrew games out of the box, but you can buy kits like the M3 that let you do all of that. I think it's also noteworthy that the DS Lite gets up to 18 hours of gameplay on the lowest brightness, while the best I've had from the PSP on the lowest brightness is 6 hours.
what's the difference between the DS and the DS lite? just curious.
personally, I have a PSP, but it has been broken since October, and I havnt had the money to replace/repair it. since the warrenty ran out in march (bought it on the first day), I decided to repair it, and so a new LCD wafer is on it's way. then it should work.
the PSP is the best in my opinion. it has actuall wifi (instead of ad-hoc short range in the DS), it has a nice 4.3" screen that makes it feel like a hi def in your hands, you can hook it to your PC over a standard mini-usb cable. it understands alot of formats (jpg, gif, bmp, tiff, png, wma, mp3, mp4, atrac3plus, etc). it's homebrew is nice, but I dont have any use for it except that internet radio thing they have. plus it has alot of futre potential: the camera, the GPS, the PS3 compatibility. though that stuff is along way off. there are some downsides to it, though: the fragility of the UMDS (already had a couple fall apert on me. the glue falls off, and the plastic case wont hold together. or the clear plastic shatters.), and Sony's attempts to kill homebrew with each new firmware model, and the on-screen keyboard is horrible, plus sony killed Logic 3's hopes to produce an external keyboard by not providing the device drivers.
hope that helps.
The DS Lite is quite a bit smaller, has a better looking design, has a much, much brighter backlight (even brighter than the PSP), has a bigger stylus, and is really what the original DS should have been.
The DS has real wifi, too; there are 6 or 7 online games for the DS.
so it's not just ad-hoc wifi mode any more? you can actually connect to an access point and play people arount the world?
as for the backlight being brighter than on the PSP, you do know the PSP has 4 levels, right? it's not brighter than the highest ones, is it? picture comparison?
btw, I managed to get the UMD chassis straightened out, and got it back in the PSP. it holds UMDs right, but insertion and removal is a little rough. and I have to hold my finger on the chassis so the PSP can spin the disk, but it will read it either way. making progress. now all I need it a new door, and that LCD.
I have both a ds and psp and I think the games are better on my psp
well the PSP is a bit faster than the PS2 hardware, the DS is based off the N64 but a bit more powerfull. the possability's are better with the PSP than the DS. but if the game developers dont make it happen then you will never see the possability
ture that have your seen the popstaton a cheap knon off for the psp
yeah, the popstation. and there was one made by the same people that copied the DS. it did come with 2 games, 1 more than the popstation, and you swapped this piece of plastic, but it was essentially the same game.
oh, I just got my LCd in the mail today. an hour later, and it's installed. has a group of stuck pixels that make the screen darker, but I dont mind. atleast it works. now all I need is a UMD door cover, the plasic bit. that was the other part that became busted. the drive still works, if I keep a piece of tape over it.
just so glad I got it working after all this time. twas hell taking that thing apart, had to dis-assemble the LCD/backlight assembly, and when I was dropping in the new screen, I chipped the glass in the corner. lickily, that didnt harm anything. that LCD was uber fragile.
oh, and no dust on the backlight!! was really careful with that.
I am glad to see that you got your screen in the mail and it works
BTW:anyone here play halo for pc offen
i only play halo on the xbox
I prefer the PSP, because both of my friend's have one, that they will let me borrow
My friend's have a new game called "monster hunter" which almost (hint: "almost") makes me want to get one, price regarded or not. I mean, it's a nice system, but i would rather get some computer hardware for either my pc, or my mac which i feel will actually get me money (for use with client's stuff) that i can use for other things. A lot of the money i get thru my business, i hardly ever take a cut of for personal use.
That being said, i have more money on hand should i ever need a part to work with something a customer has brought in. (never had a client bring in an ADC or DVI display, but you never know if I will have to upgrade my video card to test one (i prefer vga and CRT's more, brighter picture, and cheaper
) I also like to keep more for emergencies, so a PSP is a loooonnnggg way off as far as I am concerned. That, and i don't play games.
First off, I'll admit the PSP has it's good qualities. However, the DS was built for gaming, first and foremost. The PSP was built so it could do many things. The DS lost versatility, and the PSP lost having a devoted system. However, the DS is meant to be an Entertainment System while the PSP is a Multimedia System.
In the question of "What is a better gaming machine?", the DS slaps the PSP silly. The majority of PSP games are sloppy rehashes, and pointless to buy if have a PS2. The DS games however, are innovative and FUN. Warioware: Touched! is insane. The game basically throws these crazy minigames at you, and you only have a few seconds to figure out what to do and then do it. The New Super Mario Bros. has been a long time coming. It's the first Mario game to trump Super Mairo 3!
The short-range multiplayer is a lot of fun. I work in a call center and there were about 5 of us who owned a DS. We'd pictochat for a while, and then somebody would bust out their new game (my fav was Bomberman) and with that one game, we could all multiplayer.
With the release of the Nintendo WiFi Connection, I've been playing Mariokart DS on a worldwide network. I can also go regional, to North America, or Friends, just people who I've added to my list. Then there is Rivals, which is people who would be a good challenge for you. If you have a wireless router, then you don't need to do anything special. Just load up a WiFi game and do a search. If you don't, like me, you can buy this handy adapter that plugs into a USB port that acts as a router. Metroid Prime Hunters is very well done. Any FPS fans can find a natural groove in Hunters. But there are too many games to get into, so I'll stop now.
The two screens and the touch pad, and the mircophone too, instantly change the way you've played before, and this way is a lot more fun! It's the same reason why I can't wait for the Wii
But as far as the DS ever getting a broswer, it has one. Opera, which is like Firefox, but better. It's only in Japan at the moment, but it'll get here someday!
I that makes sence
as far as im concerned well the psp has the ability to do a ton of stuff but as a gaming only system i would vote ds all the way.
the big thing that irks me is the fact that you cant play music over the games own, or if you are in another menu the psp stops playing...
the ds is a well put together system for people who are just learning to play as well as people who like to play often, but for those who want somthing that can do a little bit of everything go for the psp
btw MARIO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
To tell the truth i prefer the old b&w gameboys over these new systems, the games were just more fun. Zelda: links awakening and the old mario games were just fun. I just recently got a gameboy micro(free) its great, too bad it cant play original games. Also, if you haven't heard almost every movie studio and most stores have stopped UMD distribution, and sony is releasing some of their movies on "media memory stick duo". If I was to get one I would get the DS lite as the games seem more fun. Mario ftw?
thw Wii i think is going to kick the 360's and the PS3's butt cause its going to be cheap in price and look at what it can do. do i smell instant hit