a Mac emulator for... a mac ????

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a Mac emulator for... a mac ????

I am wondering if there is a mac emulator that will allow me to run system 7 on my G3 iMac. I know I also need a ROM, but my LC580 is completely dead and incapable of performing a ROM dump to obtain the ROM image. can anyone direct me to a download for this particular ROM? I don't think it would be wise to use any other machine ROM since I don't own that machine. Oh, I do have that darn color classic, without a keyboard and mouse, so maybe someone knows where I can get a ROM for that machine as well?

Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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does anyone have any ideas?

themike's picture
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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I'd suggest either sheepshave

I'd suggest either sheepshaver, or vmac. I've had good results with both. As for the ROM image, they are available on the net, but I can't tell you where, since I don't know, and probably isn't legal. Your best bet may be to buy a machine off a friend or something, and use that ROM.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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vMac or mini vMac are great c

vMac or mini vMac are great choices.

If you're running OS X, you can use Basilisk. It will be slower than vMac on your G3, but you'll gain network access for your emulated Mac.

You mentioned in another thread you were getting a Duo. Don't know if the rom from that would work, but it's worth a try.

Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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also, basilisk lets you use a

also, basilisk lets you use an OS higher than 6. I think it goes to 8.5?


eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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vMac has no troubles with up

vMac has no troubles with up to OS 7.5.5.
Basilisk is a 68K emulator, so it will run up to 8.0 or 8.1 - whichever was that last to support 68K.

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I've been watching the proges

I've been watching the progess of Basilisk II for Mac OS X for quite sometime and so far I haven't been able to get it to work properly. Maybe I have bad ROMs. I've tried it with both supported ROMs which is the Mac IIci and Quadra 900 (athough the ROM I'm using came from a 950, last time I checked there was no differences). Under the right conditions, as far as I could get was a blinking questionmark on startup. My trials with it under Linux was even less successful.

Basilisk only lets you use up to System 7.5.5 (not sure about System 7.6) if you're using a Mac IIci ROM and up to Mac OS 8.1 when using a Quadra 900 ROM. Mac OS 8.1 was the last OS to support 68k processors and only ran on 68LC040s and and 68040s.

My experience with SheepShaver is limited. I only used it under BeOS 5 Pro on PPC and with Mac OS 8.1 on a seperate partition. I don't know how exactly it works on Mac OS X.

vMac only lets you emulate a Mac Plus up to System 7.5.5. I don't mess with vMac because I want the emulation of a color Mac.

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
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Try using somone called Q for

Try using somone called Q for mac. Free and it works... emulates nearly everything...

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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Q is an OS X port of Qemu. Li

Q is an OS X port of Qemu. Link to Q home page Here.

Since its emulation does not include 68K, it will not run System 7, which was dbrewer's intent.

And because there's been several different claims about Basilisk II's top OS, it's OS 8.1. Link to pix of 8 on Basilisk.
And 8.1 Here.

Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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Re: Q is an OS X port of Qemu. Li

Q is an OS X port of Qemu. Link to Q home page Here.

Since its emulation does not include 68K, it will not run System 7, which was dbrewer's intent.

I think the bigger problem is last time I checked Qemu won't run any version of MacOS. (The only supported guest operating system for PowerPC was Linux.)

The lack of 68k alone isn't a killer. SheepShaver supposedly runs System 7.x with the proper PowerPC ROM, one from a PowerMac 7/8/9500-ish machine. Never tried it myself as the only machine I could get said ROM from is long dead. (Have used it to run 9.0.4 both "virtually" on my G4 Powerbook and using PPC emulation on a MacBook using a New World ROM file, however.)

And because there's been several different claims about Basilisk II's top OS, it's OS 8.1. Link to pix of 8 on Basilisk.
And 8.1 Here.

Here's another shot of 8 on BasiliskII, by Yours Truely. ;^)


Anyway. Given the original post was in July it's probably safe to consider this thread closed.


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