Ok as some of you know I am having a problem with magnetic interference from my hard drive in my SE/30 transferring to the CRT.
I found this website:
They sell a lot of magnetic shielding products, which of them would be best for my needs, and what configuration should I get (how long, thick, etc...)?
Is the hard drive's circuit-board toward the CRT or the analogue board? If the first responses to magnetic interference, viz.
1) separation of the source device and affected apparatus, and
2) 180°-rotation of the active face of the source away from the affected apparatus, and
3) 90°-rotation of the source device about each of its three axes,
are not possible or not effective, only then should you consider interposed magnetic shielding. The link that you posted has most of what you need, including advice, to buy samples of their materials and to test them. No-one here can predict what the results of your tests will be.
What you will need to consider is that hard drives already have some magnetic damping in their design and manufacture, and that your newer, larger HDD will not respond well in terms of heat dissipation to being swaddled in fabric, as opposed to having an interposed sheet of metal.
The hard drive's circuit board is pointed up, facing the bottom of the CRT.
... then is to invert the HDD so that the board is down. Consider also that the next less-fuss solution, if testing shows no difference from inverting the HDD, could be to enclose the video board on the neck of the CRT rather than to enclose the HDD.