My son's G3 (dual USB 500mhz) ibook CD drive has "ceased to exist" (bit the dust, is wormfeed, etc) and I am looking for a replacement drive to install. I would love to find a Combo Drive but I need a CD-R at the very least. If anyone has a Drive or even a dead iBook with good drive available, please contact me. Our goal is a Combo drive for less than $50 total. I am also open to trades for parts as I hope to be listing numerous beige items on the board in the near future.
I'm sorry, I can't resist responding to this WTB thread, even though it's strictly forbidden . . .
Consider a DVD-RW drive. For the not-inconsiderable bother of replacing the optical drive, you'll pay almost as much for a combo as for a new fast dual-layer DVD-RW. Example here. It's worth paying slightly more for the not-inconsiderable convenience of being able to burn DVDs (as well as CDs of course.)
dan k
I was able to locate a Combo drive on ebay for my son's iBook. $50 total and should be here early this week.
Thanks for the comment about a DVD-RW drive, but there is no need/desire to burn DVD's on his 500mhz G3. He just wants to be able to burn CD's and playing DVD's is a bonus.
Thanks all!