About a month ago I picked a nice stash from a freecycler wishing to clean out. The summary list: Partial Apple II, II+, IIe and lots of h/w accessories and software. The fuller list is at the end of this entry.
I'm not a big collector (I have a Obtronix Apple Replica and Kim-1 (another 6502 SBC)). Bit I thought I'd piece together a nice representative Apple 2 and sell off the rest. I haven't tested anything yet.
Question 1: Which to keep: II, II+, or IIe? I need to review Apple system hardware history, but I'd figure the IIe has the most capability, but the II is more significant.
Question 2: Which accessories are significant to keep (you know, but hate to say it: "VERY R@RE!!!")? The more complete list is below. Some things may be rare, but I doubt I'd use. For example, the Switch-A-Slot (see )
Thanks for any helpful suggestions!
Fuller lengthier list (my notes are shoddy in places)
Apple II MN/SN: A2A0016/A2S1-61847
Manufacture Date (corner of mobo): 7928
Missing Power supply
Missing Cover (aaargh!!)
Apple II+ MN/SN: A2S1016/A2S2-102594
Ram Card (CSE/KS??)
Disk ][ Interface card
Apple IIe MN/SN: A2S2064/A2S2-D45-055F
Disk ][ Interface card
Mouse interface
Parallel Card - Precision S/W
RAM Works II
***Other Hardware***
Apple Disk ][ A2M0003 (Qty 3 older style, Qty 1 newer)
Transware Accelerator
Koala Pad
Numeric Keypad IIe A2M2003
Synch Printer Interface card
IRQ Manager - Berkeley Softworks
Switch-A-Slot - South Calif. Research Group
IEEE-488 Card
MPC Peripherals AP-S10
SUP'RMOD VHF Converter
Interactive Structres A/D
Modem - Applied Engineering Datalink
Floppy Drive Controller for IIe 3.5" Drive
Disk ][ Interface Card
Apple Super Serial Card II
Apple IIe 80 Col/64K Memory Expansion
Sequential Systems Ram80
Silentype Printer A2M0032
Hardrive in enclosure (I didn't open to get model, size)
Apple Monitor (I didn't note the model)
Commodore Monitor (I didn't note the model)
Copy II Plus
DOS 3.3 Basics, System Manual
Start Smith's Adventure Construction Set
Apple Fortran
Apple Pascal
GEOS - includes GEOFile, GEOCalc,...
Merlin Pro Macro Assembler IIe, IIc
No Slot Clock
more (if I remember correctly)
***Software on Cassette***
Apple Lis'ner, Apple talker
Forte' Music
Dynacomp - Poker Party, Teacher's Pet, Games Pack
Renumber/Append, Alignment Test Tone
MicroUsers Software Exchange (Baltimore) - UDraw, Music Box
Apple - Phone List, Brian's Theme
Apple - Hopalong Cassidy, Lemonade
Apple - Penny Arcade, Finance 1
Speakeasy Bulls & Bears
Avalon MicroComp Game - Computer Baseball Strategy
A Guide to Programming in AppleSoft (2nd Ed)
Apple II Basic Manual, Ref Manual
DOS Manual (DOS3.3, I think)
SuperSerial Card
AppleSoft Basic Programming Reference Manual
Apple Machine Language (Don and Kurt Inman)