I Just Got A G4 Off Of Ebay And I Can Not Contact The Seller
So Now Im Stuck With Now Password,
Can Someone Please Walk Me Through The Steps To Resetting My Password
Because I Read Other Forums And I Still Didnt Know How To Do It
I Need Step By Step Instructions
My iBook G4 Password Reset
May 25, 2007 - 3:07am
My iBook G4 Password Reset
have you tried just simply typing new user as your password?
or leaving your password field blank?
whenever i have sold a computer i left the password field blank after i had installed a new os and wiped the hard drive clean.
Which Password? The OpenFirmware Password, Or The OS X LogIn Password?
The First One You'll See When You First Boot The Mac, Before The OS X Screen Shows Up. The Second Requires The OS To Boot And Then You Login.
Isn't Typing All Capped-First-Letters A Pita?
Anyway, if the first (OF password), remove or add RAM to the machine, reboot and the OF pw is now removed. If the second, you'll need a Mac OS X installer CD/DVD. Boot to that and choose "Reset Passwords" from the installer menu.
dan k