SE/30: logic board (bad capacitors?)

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Joined: Jan 27 2008 - 13:21
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SE/30: logic board (bad capacitors?)

I recently got the much dreaded simasi mac upon booting my SE/30. According to everything I'm reading on line, this is most likely due to bad capacitors as they have a tendency to leak over time (or to just go bad due to age). There is one man on 68kmla who is selling capacitor kits for very cheap (starting at $10) but I have no idea about soldering. Does anyone know someone who would do it for me, OR does anyone have some helpful tips for doing it myself?

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 20 2005 - 16:03
Posts: 1433
You've seen this?:

You've seen these?:

For a temporary fix for leaky capacitors, some claim you can wash your motherboard.

It would probably help if you posted a photo of your simasi screen.

JDW's picture
Last seen: 4 days 10 hours ago
Joined: Mar 17 2006 - 19:08
Posts: 180
And have you read though the

And have you read though the threads linked here?

Take time to read through what I have linked on 68kMLA. It will give you a formal degree in SimasiMac and cap replacement. Smile

The same fellow who has offered his SE/30 cap set to us on 68kMLA has also mentioned it on Vintage Macs:

And yes, I purchased two sets from him, so I can vouch for this set being a good buy.

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