Configuration settings and looking for parts as well

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Configuration settings and looking for parts as well


I am just now dusting off my old Apple IIe and wanted to hook up a modem and my imagewriter ii printer to it. I have one super serial card and was wondering if I need to install a second SS card in slot one for the printer or even if that is possible or is there another interface I should consider.

I would need to acquire said interface as well Smile ALso I am looking for the super drive controller to control my 3.5 drives as well as my 5.25 drives. Also I will be hooking a focus IDE card to the system with a drive at some point in the future.

My local Apple II users group meeting is on August 11 (2009) and if I haven't found all my information prior to that I plan to bring the system to the meeting and see if I can obtain help there but I would like to get the information and parts prior to that date.

Appreciate any help on this!


Mike -- Lawrence, Kansas

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The Hook-Ups.....


You can pick up a modem, or second SS card on eBay fairly easy.

Also look there for your ASCO card (3.5 inch drive card) if you're running 400s or 800s, but the Super 3.5s for the 1400s are getting a bit scarce and the last one I saw went for over $300.00.

You can go Focus at Reactive, and you can check out the CFFA cards at Rich Drehers site

Best of luck. Smile

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Thanks for the reply Steven.

Thanks for the reply Steven. The first link you site gets a 404 error so it was unfortunately not helpful. I already have my focus card and an adapter and a CF card -- I just have not tested it yet. I am told I will need to format it on a GS system and then it should be fine in the IIe.

I will check into the ASCO card -- my 3.5 drives are all the GS models but I think they are only 800K anyhow. The other SS card will then work in slot 1 presumably? And they will play with each other okay?

Also I am assuming the ASCO card would go in slot 5, and then my 5.25 drives hang out on the controller in slot 6 or do all the drives go on the ASCO in slot 6 later?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am re-learning all about the IIe after having been away from the retro Apples for over 20 years.

Thanks for the all the advice from all Smile

Mike -- Lawrence, KS USA

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First link's fixed. Drupal

First link's fixed.
Drupal had decided the comma proceeding it was part of the link.

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SuperDrive Interface Card


When and where did you last see a SuperDrive for sale? I bought mine on eBay about four years ago. It is pretty slick. Sad to think about what the Apple // line could have been if it hadn't represented too much competition for Steve Job's Macintosh's.

Mutant Pie

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Sorry, Super Drive Card...


There was a SuperDrive Controller Card up on eBay about 3 weeks ago. This was the one for the 1400 3.5 drive. THAT was the one that went for almost $400.00. I placed a couple of bids, but after it went past $255.00 I called it quits. lol


The ASCO 3.5 controller cards are good for the 400 and 800 drives and you should have no problems installing them, or the Super Serial Cards. Smile

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Slot Assignments....

I forgot to say that all you have to do is go into the control panel to setup your slot assignments. Your CFFA or Focus Card should go into Slot 7 (This will be the first slot the GS will look at), your 3.5 card into Slot 6, and your 5.25 Card into Slot 5 (Break out your GS manual, or Sytem 6.0 / 6.1 manual to verify this as it's been a while since I sat down to do any serious setup on a IIGS).

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This is an Apple IIe not a II

This is an Apple IIe not a IIgs. I will need to format the focus on a GS system, but it is going into an Apple IIe.


Slot 7 is where the hard drive would be none-the-less as I recall.

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My Bad.....


My bad. A IIe it is. Confusion is a way of life when you're past 55. lol Smile

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Steven, No Problem. I t


No Problem.

I think that at 38 years old things are going already... it is not just in realm of the 50+ folks Smile

Anyhow, I do appreciate the help/suggestions and if anyone actually has a one of the disk controllers they'd part with, feel free to let me know and we can make arrangements to get into contact.

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Re: Sorry, Super Drive Card...


The ASCO 3.5 controller cards are good for the 400 and 800 drives and you should have no problems installing them, or the Super Serial Cards. :)

Actually the only floppy drive the Liron card will work with is the 3.5" UniDisk. Those aren't exactly rare but they aren't overly common either.


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It's Back !!.......

On eBay right now, item 220447907091, a superdrive controller card AND superdrive. Buy It Now price $375.00.

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But Wait! Theres More !!.....


There are now TWO Controllers and TWO Superdrives up on ebay. The one I've told you about and a new set that are being sold separately (Card and Drive).

Just amazing to have two up at the same time. lol Smile

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