I cant afford buying a new a focus/cffa/or a microdrive right now, so does anyone have a used card to sell on, or could recommend a cheaper alternative?
I have drives but few disks and so want to load programs and games from CF.
I have a 2e enhanced.
cheers in advance!
Iain, UK
If there is one, I do not know about it.
At the moment (unless you find someone willing to sell you a used CFFA Card) you have basically two choices:
1. Reactive Micro (Henry Courbis) www.reactivemicro.com
2. R&D Automation (Rich Dreher) http://dreher.net
There may be another out there in the ether, but I have not seen it.
How about it guys and gals? Anyone else have any ideas?
FYI, BTW, i've posted a few questions over at reactivemicro.
in the meantime. does anyone have opinions regards 16 sector's alternative? will I be able to boot /run everything I want from this (or the reactive card)?
(edit by eeun: moved thread from Marketplace to Apple II since it was becoming a discussion thread)
There is a 128 MEG CFFA Card up on eBay right now.
Starting price $30.00
Good Hunting.
Since you mentioned you were going to use this in a IIe then this would not be a good choice. The Focus card can only be formatted and partitioned on a IIgs.
Thanks for that info. That's not clear from the site.
I'm checking out the card on eBay too. Ta again
BTW you might find it useful to note that under ProDOS8, the CFFA card board can access 4 partitions of 8MB each, for a total of 32MB. So a 32MB card size is the maximum that you'll need.
They should be dirt cheap by now, however I suggest that you buy only decent brands (SanDisk), and be aware that, although it takes many write cycles to do this, they can have bits that drop (quit working), so if you get a used one reformat it with a modern device before formatting it with the CFFA card on the Apple ][.
In ProDos8 each of the partitions can be 32MB, so the largest usable CF card is a 128MB card.
The manual is located here:
Thanks for the correction LJ, my bad memory.