Is it possible to put my G3 MiniTower in a Mac Blue and White G3 case? I guess the motherboard wouldn't be too different. Any advise?
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but i think its about as easy as putting as early g4 in a b&w b3 case, as in they look similar at first but are way to diffrent and its way to much work, the mobo's are TOTALLY difrent(B&w had usb for one thing) and diffrent sizez and shapes, psu's are diffrent to, but it may be worth a try, if you have WAY to much free time
Of course Anything is possible, but why go backwards.....
I just got my B&W300 for $200 and an empty case will cost you $50-100 and after alot of work you still have a beige G3, just prettier.
Put your G3 in an ATX case, there are some really cool cases and it would be alot easier and cheaper than the B&W. The cost of beige G3's and the size of the board is perfect for the ATX case hacks.
as lining up the PCI slots with the case openings involves a significant amount of sheet-metal work. As others have mentioned, an ATX case is a better choice, unless you have time, tools, talent, plus unused Gossamer LBs and Yosemite cases laying around already.
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- - I've got all of the above, but it's still too much trouble. - -
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Dan K (just 'xperimentin' with smileys 'n' formattin' 'n' stuff)